✨Was never ment to be two ducking part but here we are- PART TWO BISHES - 15

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Max's pov- 

Nabi once said night-time is like walking through a different world filled with new creatures and adventures to discover. Once we arrive, Bob opens a gate that blocks people from getting to his lawn. It's really big and... a tennis ball? Nabi pats my back to get me inside instead of standing there. Bob closes the door for us. His house is really big, and he has a large couch. I go sit on it while Nabi talks with Bob. Nabi seems to blush at something and then get excited.

"There is something upstairs I'd like to show yah." But Max, stay down here and get comfy." I give Mr. Bob a nod while pulling a few blankets onto the couch. Nabi follows Mr. Bob upstairs. I don't like being alone... I can hear Nabi and Bob talking. I can't really understand them, but I can hear Nabi sequel. I start making a spot for Nabi on the couch and wait for them to come back down.

After a bit, Mr. Bob comes down with his shirt in his hands and puts it in the washer. I know it's the washer since I can hear it. Nabi soon comes down with a limp. They are smiling, but it seems like they are in a bit of pain.

Max, sweetie, can you help me?"

"PUPPY!" I walk over and grab the puppy biting Nabi's leg. Bob comes back out with a new shirt on. The puppy is barking at me, and I keep holding it. Nabi chuckles a bit while watching me and the puppy. Bob whistles, and a few more puppies and a larger momma dog come down.

"Eh, sorry you saw me without a shirt, kiddo. The puppies haven't gone outside for a bit, and one thought I was a fire hydrant..." I laugh a little and bring the puppy I have outside. The fence reaches all the way to the front. One puppy brings over the ripped-on tennis ball, and I throw it a bit. Nabi comes out without a limp and pets the momma dog. While Bob stands near them.

"I rescued the mom without knowing she was pregnant, so now I eventually need to find these guys homes."

"Why not keep them as hunting dogs? They're still puppies, and you can train them." Bob seems to be thinking about what Nabi said. We end up playing with the puppies for a while and eventually go back inside. The same puppy I first held comes to curl up with me on the couch while Nabi lays on the other end. Bob turns out the light, and I can hear Nabi is already asleep. Maybe Mr. Bob isn't so bad if puppies like him.

Chances and Changes - Bob Velseb x Reader (Original version, slight hiatus)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora