💔Moving in- 1

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Your pov- 

Today you're finally moved into your new house. You still have a lot to unpack, but at least you're finally away from your old town. The place had given you the creeps for more reason than one, and you couldn't keep your son anywhere near your family.

Speaking of son, Max, your four-year-old little boy had sneaked up on you and latched onto your leg. He does this when he's tired, but still wishes to be near you.

"Hey sweetie, how you feeling today?" You ask, picking him up and holding him like you would an infant.

Max, instead of responding, curls into you more. He's always been a tired kid. Anytime you tried taking him to the doctors, they could never figure out why he acts so lethargic. He's been like this since he was born, unfortunately. You really need to get unpacking, but that's hard when Max won't let go of you. You try setting him down, but he starts tearing up and clings to you. You feel bad since he's your baby boy, so you pick him back up. You check the time and notice it's four pm.

"Hey, how's pizza in bed sound?" You lift Max's face up. He's awake and gets excited at the idea of pizza in bed. It's not the kind of excitement little kids normally give of bouncing up and down or screaming. No, it was just the child like gaze most gave, like when they saw a puppy or kitten for the first time in their life. You move him to one arm and find your phone on the counter. It's not one of the new fancy phones but rather the old dial phone stuck to a cord type. It's not the ideal phone, but it will work for now on the low income and budget you have. You order the pizza, making sure to get Max's favorite toppings: pepperoni, mushrooms, and sausage. You set all the blankets and pillows in your room. A bit hard while carrying your human koala child, but worth it since you can set them down now so you can set up your small old tv. Soon enough, you hear the doorbell and get up to grab the pizza. You almost trip when Max wraps his arms around your legs. You chuckle and pray him off your leg, setting him in your arms where he snuggles up content. You quickly pay for the pizza, lock the door, and sit back down on the blankets and pillows with Max. You turn on a DVD movie and set some pizza onto Max's plate.

Hopefully tomorrow won't be overly eventful.

Chances and Changes - Bob Velseb x Reader (Original version, slight hiatus)Where stories live. Discover now