💔🍲Behind the curtains - 9

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3rd perspective-  

Finally, he arrived back at the mansion. It wasn't his, but instead owned by the cult collectively. They all used it when they wanted to perform rituals, have feast: of which Bob always brings the best food for last, or if they need a place to stay for whatever reason. Bob really only comes here for the feast or rituals. He tries avoiding this place like it will swallow him whole like a whale being the prized food of megalodons, mainly since he hates being near Roy's mom and the kid's Uncle. The two severely creep even himself out. The main reason he came here tonight, however, was to the meeting they were holding. He never fully understood why they have to hold one to talk about random topics or new people moving to town.

"Ah, welcome Velseb! You're late for once..." As if on queue Bob sees the Uncle drinking wine at their meeting table.

"And what could have possibly made the cannibal himself late? Police troubles again?" Carmen, Roy's mom chimed in. Bob chuckled and sat down in his respective chair. A few other members had their hoods up, so he couldn't really tell who all was here tonight.

"Ah, just talking with a friend." He smiled at the thought of his new companions.

"Well now, when did mister big bad ever have friends beside the cult? I presume its someone outside, yes?" Carmen folded her arms onto the table, leaning slightly now, being curious about who caught the cannibal's eyes without dying.

"Never said I had friends here, and to let you know it's the newcomer." A few let out some mumbles, too quiet for himself to hear.

"Actually, that's just the person we wanted to talk about." The Uncle raises his glass. Bob's always found it strange on why he in particular is apart of the cult, other than being rich, that is. "Since you have already met them, tell us dear friend, are they good for the town, or better for a more... Interesting fate?"

"I'd say they have good characteristics, if anything, I'd prefer the little baker to not be sacrificed." Carmen seems confused at Bob's remark.

"Baker? I haven't seen anyone get any new job or start up a business. You know that's my jurisdiction, and I'd prefer you not step your bounds cannibal."

"Actually, I call them that cause their baking is good. I'd say let them stay." No one mentions to the Cannibal about him currently drooling. It became common to assume he did so when thinking of cannibalism, however, they were wrong to assume that this time.

"Oooo, looks like mister Cannibal wants to claim the newcomer. Have a new special dish you're going to make?" Carmen was the first to break the silence with this. Bob doesn't seem to take kindly to this, however. The first adult person to actually like him and Roy's mother is thinking he's just some dumb cannibal that wants to eat the newcomer.

"At what point did you think I ever said I wanted to kill them and don't forget your place? I can easily replace you filthy animal cuts with my lovely human brains? I've been wanting to see what happens when a fl-"

"Alright Bob, that's enough. You both need to stop bickering like children." The uncle is annoyed from their bickering. He likes kids but hates any bickering kid sounds.

"Just keep your paws off them and I won't add Prisoner's poison into your foods the next feast." Everyone can see the sadistic grin Bob currently holds. Silence falls over the room, and no one feels the need to try to bring the newcomer back up.

"Ahem, so, since this was all planned, I presume we may all head home." Carmen gets up and soon after the Uncle follows her led. "Actually U/N, why don't you take Roy tonight? I need some alone time from him."

Bob soon enough stands up and leaves. He'd rather not deal with the rest. While leaving the house, he catches the uncle laughing out like a maniac. Well, to him, more like a child that just discover sugar and decided they would steal their parents' money for more. All Bob wants is to fall asleep in bed. He doesn't understand why he keeps coming to these meetings since most of the time nothing important really happens.

Bob's pov-

Once I finally write home, I get near the basement hallway to get to my room. It's literally a hallway disconnecting from the main hallway towards my bedroom. I can faintly hear the next day's meat screaming for help. 'Eyes....dahm it... Guess I need to fix the entire soundproofing... Guess that's what happens when you haven't up kept it in years.' I bang the door to the basement to shut them up. I need to sleep myself after all and I need to keep up the same standard of sleep I give to them. 'Don't wake me up, keep the noise down, and let me sleep, and ill do the same for you. I may be a monster, but I'm not that mean to disrupt sleep.' I quickly get to bed and pass out.

The next morning, he wakes up and gets ready for the day. Once dressed, he makes his way off to work. The day goes by like a snail stuck in molasses during the tundra cold. Luckily, things picked up when Lila and Skid. For once, the kid doesn't have their costume on. 'Guess she finally put her foot down.' Unfortunately both just look around but every once in a while Skid tries running over to me. Eventually someone I can talk to walks in. "Hey Y/N, how's it going today?" They smile at me and I can see Max being held on their hip. It's a cute sight, always seeing a parent actually trying to take care of their kid.

"Hey Bob, I've just been going around trying to find any place hiring. I just grabbed Max so we could get some lunch, anything you'd recommend?"

"The roast beef sandwiches and sweet bacon burgers are good."

"Max sweetie?"

"Bacon..." Max seems half awake as usual. The burger should do him some good.

"Two Sweet Bacon Burgers then, please." Max had already started dozing off again as I went to grab the items. Looking up from my work, I see Lila talking to Y/N... Max isn't in their arms... Where'd he go? I look around and see Skid trying to teach Max the Spooky Dance. 'Heh...small kids.'

Your pov-

"So you're little one doesn't run around causing chaos wherever they go?" Lila seems slightly shocked out how well behaved Max is.

"It's mainly cause he's always tired. I'm sure if he got more energy, he would act like any little kid." You're unsure why she seems surprised. You guess you've just never had to deal with a hyper Max.

"So...you and Bob seem close." Lila seems to have gotten a bit nervous.

"Yah, he's really nice."

"Have you heard about the reason people call him the red devil?"

You shake your head.

"Just know I'm only telling you this to keep safe. He's called that beca-" Before she can finish, Bob comes up from behind her with your food.

"Got your order Y/N" Once realizing Bob was behind her, Lila scoots away from him almost immediately. He sets your burgers down at a booth with some fries and soda. You call Max over to come eat and turn to thank Bob. Both of you sit and you motion for Lila to come over.

"Ah sorry Y/N, I need to get going..." She quickly grabs Skid and leaves the shop. You shrug it off and dig in. Soon enough, Max is sitting with you...well, laying his head on your lap for a nap. You pick him up and make him sit up. Since no one else is inside the Boy's N' Grills, Bob comes to sit across from you both.

"So what were you both talking about?" Bob helps unwrap the Mass burger from the protective wrapping placed on all burgers, really only put on in case someone wants to take them home.

"Lila was going to tell me how you got your nickname, Red devil if I'm correct?" Bob's usual smile falters a bit from that...

Chances and Changes - Bob Velseb x Reader (Original version, slight hiatus)Where stories live. Discover now