🍲Backfired - 48

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Bob's Pov-

I'm not sure what to do right now. Lamb Chops has always been cuddly with me but it's strange now knowing they like me back. Not in a bad way, but we haven't even been on a date and we've already been so cuddly together. They have slowly dozed off from watching different movies so I'm munching on the rest of the popcorn while resting an arm around them, keeping them leaned on me so it helps force them to sleep since they need it.

"Pass me some popcorn please." They reach out for the bowl so I tilt it over to them. They munch on a few before I notice them slowly getting more tired.

"You wanna head to bed?" They shake their head wanting to finish watching the movie. "Can you tell me what the movie is or is about." I pull them up so they're sitting upright.

"Uh...Cinderella?" I stand up, pulling them up with me and pick them up. They seem confused by this but make no protest.

"Sweet heart, we watched that an hour ago, we're watching An American Tail. You know, tiny Russian-Jewish mice." They finally start protesting they're not tired but I take them back upstairs and set them down. "Get ready for bed, I'm going to text the kids to get back home." I walk back downstairs and grab my phone. I notice some text from about a few minutes ago I missed.

R- Hey someone's following us and I'm not sure who it is...Max says it looks like the guy who kidnapped him

- 37 mins ago

I stare at the first text for a bit. I know for a fact the man is dead...did someone in the cult bring him back?

R- Hey could you guys please come get us, the guys creeping us out and we got Skid and Pump with us at the park. No one else is really around and we're getting worried.

- 23 mins ago

R- Seriously please answer your phone!

- 19 mins ago

R- We're going to CandyClub, so pls respond

- 18 mins ago

R- Pls come get us, he tried hurting us so me and Ross are running off to the forest behind the mansion with the little three

- 5 mins ago

Attached to the message is a photo of the kids. I'll be honest when I say I have never really seen Skid and Pump without their makeup, but both looks like their makeup is runny. Their being held by Robert while Ross is holding Max. I then notice what worries me the most, Skid and Pump both have red marks on their faces and Max has a new one. I know Max's have already started bruising so this bastard touched them...

I put my phone in my pocket and head back upstairs. Y/N is thankfully dressed in a pajama shirt and normal shorts. I pass them and go into my closet to grab my belt. They seem confused and pull on my arm.

"We need to find the kids, now." They still seem confused but it's enough to get throw to their tired mind. I head back downstairs and grab my truck keys while Y/N hopes into the front passenger side. I quickly drive off the plot not realizing I'd forgotten Pepper...but she didn't forget us. Before we even exit the fence we feel the car shake from Pepper hoping into the back while I'm trying to turn.

"Ok what's going on?" Y/N seems to have woken up more and seems worried.

"Short version a bastard I thought was dead is chasing the kids." They seem stressed now, I don't blame them. Ever since I've been around Y/N I've grown attached to a few of the kids, their protective parent side rubbed off on me.

Once we finally arrive Y/N hops out and Pepper leaps out from the back, sprinting ahead of us. She starts sniffing the ground and soon picks up a sent trail, leading further away into the woods from the mansion. Before Pepper gets too far I pull out some tape and make a very poor makeshift leash. She's too well trained to care if it's paper or silver because either way she'll follow command.

We go fairly deep into the wood and Y/N is getting cold since it's late. I take off my sweater and hand it to them so they can keep warm. We finally see the kids and Y/N runs over to them, quickly grabbing Max. I check on the others noticing a few injuries on the kids.

"I'm going to skin you kids alive, why is there fake marks on Max!" Ross slowly backs away.

"Um....Ross can show you guys to the clearing!" Robert quickly picks Skid and Pump up and sprints off while yelling, "SEE YA AT SCHOOL TOMORROW IF YOU DON'T DIE!"

"Someone please explain cause I'm confused." I walk over to the three and look down at Max who has a noticeable large gash on his arm...Max doesn't pull up his sleeves normally for any reason...

"Someone pranked us, who?" Y/N looks too tried to deal with any bullshit right now and Max also seems confused.

"Ask Robert, it was his idea." Y/N looks back down to Max and cups his face.

"Max baby doll, who thought it was a good idea to scare us after you and Roy where already kidnapped?" I somehow feel scared with the strange baby voice Y/N is using on Max. I'm not sure what witchcraft happened but Max looks under some spell.

"Roy wanted to get you and Mister Bob on a date so Ross and Robert planned this! We have a picnic set up!"

'Remind me to never tell or plan anything, and let Max know about it.' Y/N picks Max up and is glaring at Ross.

"You kids are very sweet, but poor execution... Effective however."

"Do you wanna...go on that date?" Ross is trying to keep Y/N from killing them. I doubt they will while holding Max, but they're half awake and stressed out. I wrap my arms around them and then pick them up.

"Well, that's up to Y/N...I wasn't really expecting this so I'll let you take the call." They're already about to fall asleep so I let the pass out. I look back over to Ross who isn't sure how to really feel about their plan not necessarily working.

"How about we do it in the morning, if Y/N wants. I think its almost 10 and no one has really had much sleep recently." Ross nods his head and runs off to Eyes knows where. After a bit he comes back with a bag which I assume has the food and other items.

"Where'd you kids even get the realistic wounds from, you ticked me but not really Y/N."

"We didn't remember Y/N might have gotten that close to Max... But it's actually been a weird day." Ross points at my arms and I look down to see Max curled up, sleeping in Y/N's arms. 'The two are too sweet.'

Chances and Changes - Bob Velseb x Reader (Original version, slight hiatus)Where stories live. Discover now