Fluff - 60

279 9 8

Your Pov-

"You kids want to go out tomorrow and explore the town?" You ask the two this since Max does enjoy exploring and Roy needs to get out a bit, even if hurt he needs fresh air. The two nod and get ready to sleep. You feel Bob rest his head above yours and rubbing your arm in a comforting manner. "Hey Max, wanna call auntie?" He quickly nods his head. Bob grabs his phone from the bed side table and hands it to you. You type in your sisters number and wait a few seconds before she picks up.

"Whatcha need walking Godzilla."

"Ouch, as-"

"No!" Max tries shushing Bob but can't excape the blankets covering him making Bob chuckle and you end up flicking him.

"Hi sis..."

"Oh....Hey how's my baby been doing!" You groan with a smile.

"I'm doing good, I thought you and the Kids would like to talk."

"Wait....when the hell did you have another kid, and how!? I so doubt it's Bob's but...."

"Omg Allssan no! I ment Max and Roy! Wt....ugh." You hand the phone to the kids and see Roy surprised to learn he's being involved in a family phone talk.

"Hi auntie!" Max is pretty excited to talk to Allssan. You lay back down and cuddle into Bob.

"Uh, hi." Roy says not really knowing what else to do. The kids and your sister start having fun talking for a while. After a while it's finally time to sleep so you take the phone back.

"Hey can you mind watching the kids for me tomorrow?"

"If the kids are good with snakes."

"Um, kids?" 

"Snakes are noodles." Max hasn't really seen many.

"What kind of snakes?" Roy asks, so after a bit Allssan sends a few photos of different snakes she has, few cobras, tree snakes, cobras, and a few rat snakes. You show it to the kids, she thankfully in your mind is holding the majority of them showing they aren't bad when taken care of and loved properly, or has them in obviously locked up enclosures.

One picture is of her and her oldest Monocled cobra, Rijia, Ra for short. She's giving Ra a kiss on the head while showing off her patterns. It really shows how well snakes can trust a handler if they are taken well care of and earn each others trust. 

The kids don't see to mind it and Roy even seems slightly interested in the snakes. You sigh relived you have someone to watch them. You're already making plans to stop by and grab the other kids tomorrow. Kids have a weird way between themselves to help each other forget a bad time and just enjoy the moment, something the two need and why you haven't mind Ross and Robert joining you all every day.

That and Max needs to start making friends, Skid and Pump are twice his age while the teens are defiantly out of his normal friend range. You do find it cute and weird that despite the age gaps, the kids all seem to enjoy each others company.

Roy and the other two must have been good role models or friends for Skid and Pump since they always seem to be around near each other. That or just because small kids like following others because they look to other older kids for guidance.

Either way you enjoy that the kids get along....hopefully the teens don't teach them bad tricks like stealing from poor cashier employees. You still do find it cute how often Max somehow managed to get people to give him snacks anytime you lost him at a store....you don't need that habit coming back though.

Bob rolls more onto you, squishing you slightly. You know he's awake cause you can hear him chuckling.

"Darling, stop worrying so much and go to bed. The kids need you calm if we want to keep them calm." He pulls you tightly against himself, trapping you in place. He pulls the blankets up and keeps trying to calm you down. "Keep worrying and i might just extend our little vacation to pamper yah and the kids."

"I wouldn't mind that, but we need the money." You turn your head slightly so you can see him. He's rolling his eyes so you raise an eyebrow confused.

"I have stuff saved up, a few days off wont kill my business. Most of it comes from people preordering stuff or selling off aged meat and bones to other businesses in the area, and don't worry im still paying yah even for they days we haven't gone. Kids going missing wasn't expected and i was the one to shut the place down temporarily." You stare at him for a little bit shocked before speaking.

"You're paying me?" He nods his head and then nuzzles into your neck. "You don't need to, we litera-" He cuts you off by placing his hand over your mouth.

"My decision is final Lamb Chops. I care about you and the kids." He removes his hand and places it back on your arm, grabbing your hand while getting ready to pass out. You look to the kids who are asleep and slowly crack a large smile. You turn back to Bob and give him a kiss to the cheek, making him smile and turn red. "Bed time." He mumbles to you.

You chuckle at his sleepiness and look back over to the kids. Max being curled up with you, while Roy is just a bit away. You jump again hearing the door once again creak open. Bob has a strong grip on you, making it so you can't turn around or sit up to see who or what it is.

You hear small pitter patters on the floor and get startled once again when a puppy is tossed up on the bed by Pepper. She repeats the process with the other pups by grabbing their scruff and tossing them like rag dolls. Carda cuddles up with you and Max, while licking your face a few times.

Pepper leaves the room and soon comes back with a bundle of fur, who she is holding by the entire back and stomach, kinda similar to a crocodile would by holding their kids in their mouth but Hope is sideways and too big for that. Pepper gently climbing onto the bed and proceeds to softly place Hope on Roy.

Pepper easily steps over her pups and sniffs at you. You instantly realize what she's about to do and start protesting, but as smart as the dog might be, she still lays on top of you and Bob, her head just on Max, nuzzling Carda's as the pup finds a comfy spot.

"Pepper you're too big for bed cuddles like...." You stop once you hear her whimper and staring at you, ears pinned down and tail wagging behind her. You sigh and pet her head confirming she can stay. She lets out a loud bark and licks your hand.

Bob jolts awake hearing his companion bark so loud and sleepily looks around, noticing the situation he groans and nuzzles his head back into you. Roy was also startled awake but calms seeing it's just the dogs. He looks over at you and has to stop himself from laughing at you and Bob.

"Laugh it up kid, Hope is going to do the same exact thing to you when he's over and older." He shrugs his shoulders with a smile and hugs the bundle of fur. Hope nuzzles his head into Roy's. You still haven't actually seen Hope be territorial or protective. Carda in her own way, Pepper being trained, but you actually haven't seen the dogs or puppies territorial which surprises you slightly since the breed normally is. 

Pepper lets out a loud yawn right next to your ears. You push her head to the side gaging at the dog breath. She whines and head butts your head being annoyed at you.

"What?" She whines again and head butts Bob, motioning to him. "You want Bob?" She groans and paws your face, forcing you to close your eyes so dirt or her fur won't get in them. She pulls back so you open your eyes again. The process repeats until you realize she wants you to sleep. You chuckle to yourself and pet the massive ball of fluff a bit before finally going to sleep.

"Such a weird smart dog." You mumble to yourself and as you're falling asleep you feel something crawl under your arm. You look at it and notice it's the fox pup. You guess Pepper has been watching it when you don't. You need to find the owner eventually....

Chances and Changes - Bob Velseb x Reader (Original version, slight hiatus)Where stories live. Discover now