🍲Plans in the making or a recipe for disaster? - 33

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Bob's Pov, few days back-   

I wake up to find Hope and Y/N missing making me quickly get up and going downstairs to find them. I calm down seeing Y/N feeding Hope and making breakfast. I hug them from behind slowly calming down while they chuckle. They finish cooking and set Hope down on a dog bed. We eat some food quietly while I switch between the dogs and Y/N.

We decide to close up shop until we find Max. I watch Y/N as they use my phone again to call Roy but it goes straight to voice mail again. They start pacing, feeling something is wrong.

"I'm sure he's fine. His parents might have him back home not trusting what's happened or he's at school right now." Pepper huffs at me like she's annoyed. Y/N looks at here and seems to get an idea.

"If Hope was able to track down the guy to a smaller area then why shouldn't Pepper a full grown adult be able to find a boy she's spent days with!" I smile at them and go to find Peppers leash, she hates it but I don't need her pulling a Hope and getting herself hurt. Pepper is wanting her tail and a few of the puppies want to follow but I shoo them away. 

Y/N has gotten a bag together so we can stay out for a while, hopefully things go smoothly. We hop in the truck and head off to the house. Once we show up we let her sniff an item that was left behind by the guy and Max's lamb. She seems to pick up a sent trail since she starts pulling out towards the trees. At first she goes sporadic in her directions but soon takes us in a good direction passing some tire tracks. 

We end up losing the trail once it hits off to a road but she soon picks up another sent trail. She takes us all over the place until we end up at the police office. John is at the front frustrated and yelling at some guy. Y/N and me decided to leave them alone and we head to the CandyClub. Pepper seems annoyed like she wants to go back to the police station. I head inside a nearby store to get her a water bowl since we forgot one.

It take a bit to get the employees attention so I can buy it. Once I head out I see Pepper growling at a guy who's trying to attack them, I've taught her to be gentle with humans but she's using force try pulling him off but he's latched onto Y/N. I quickly push them and scare him off. Only then realizing he has Max with him.

"Bastard get the hell back here!" I whistle for Pepper to pin him down but he's already in his car and driving off the lot. Pepper is still chasing him down and manages to bit down on a tire while he's trying to turn while I chase after them. Unfortunately he gets away so I quickly pick Y/N up.

"What the hell did he try doing to you?!" Their shaking and obviously know he has Max.

"That was my fucking ex!" Their starting to break down, scared over seeing their ex has found them again. I pick them up and see Pepper is long gone. 'She'll come back, if not with a dead body then a location. She has his sent and it won't be long for a wolf and bear fighting dog finds it's prey.'

I carry them to the police station. We tell them about what happened and they start filing stuff. I take Y/N home and start comforting them. They have some blood on their shirt so I get up and pull out one of my shirts that a bit small on me. I had it to them and leave them to change. Once I come back in I tie the bottom a bit since its slightly big on them. Their shaking so I pull them into a hug.

"I'm not going to let him harm you or the kids. Pepper is on his trail so its a matter of time before we find his ass." He watches you lean into his hold. After a bit I get up and start making a drink, slipping in some valerian root, pocketing the rest. I give it the drink to Y/N and watch them slowly fall into a deep sleep. 

I pick them up and set them on our bed. Giving them a kiss on the cheek before I head out to find Allssan. I know what she might be planning. I make a meeting for tonight. Once night hits I give Y/N dinner filled with enough valerian root they will stay asleep all night. I then leave to the mansion.

Everyone is gathered around talking about different things but one noticeable thing is most are wondering why I called the meeting. I shut them all up and get straight to the point.

"If any of you have actually been watching the town then you'd know someone has kidnapped Max."

"And Roy, he's no where to be found." Carmen interrupts me but I don't mind the new information.

"We need to find the kids cause whether you guys like it or not the two are apart of the town." Allssan points out for me and I nod to her. Once we had learned of each others relationship with Y/N we gained a mutual understanding over protecting them and Max.

"Not only are they apart of the town they're apart of the cult. Everyone knows Roy is but Max and Y/N will always be mine. Meaning they are apart of the cult." Allssan doesn't seem to mind the crazed red and cyan cannibal is being over protective of their own sibling. "We decide tonight on finding them. Either join and don't worry about being my next dish or leave two kids to rot with a freak of nature." Everyone is quite yet interested. Soon Jerry stands alongside Allssan.

'The night stalkers will walk the stars and shine the suns light to find the boys.' Soon another stands.

"The flame fraction will fight for the kids asking as the 'Dyson' fraction funds the project." Carmen seems pissed.

"Excuse me, the Dyson fraction pays for everything! The rouges such as you Bob and the 'night stalkers' are always causing unneeded damage that we always have to pay for!" Jerry seems pissed off.

'So you let your son and a child barley able to protect themselves to the mercy of a freak?' Carmen scoffs at him.

"I care about him but I'm not paying for any of the other fractions, that will b-"

"ENOUGH. Either we work together or someone's going to be sacrificed by me to Eyes himself and everyone in here knows just how much he loves to rip and tear into the flesh o-" Jerry covers his mouth not wanting to hear the gorey shit thats about to exit his mouth. Everyone looks at Carmen and her husband who sigh and nod in agreement.

"Good, now everyone do what you do best, seek and destroy him." Soon enough everyone leave the building one by one. Finally Bob passes the being itself and leaves. Eyes had been quite in the meeting for the first time in a long time. When Bob finally returns home he falls onto the bed curling up against you. He holds you closer to himself and finally slips into sleep.

Chances and Changes - Bob Velseb x Reader (Original version, slight hiatus)Where stories live. Discover now