Comfort and bonding - 72

223 9 8

Max's Pov- Two days before Spooky Month

Roy and me are walking down to Roberts house with Pepper following us. Roy has gotten stressed when outside so he likes keeping me close to him when we leave the house without an adult. He keeps calling me a sporadic baby squirrel cause I'll walk off and come back with random things without him realizing I even left his side, so he resorted to holding my hand this's a bit annoying but I know he just worries like Nabi does. So i do still cling to his arm when he gets annoyed or he just picks me up himself.

"Why are you giving me that look?" He still looks slightly worried but not annoyed right now.

"I wanna grab the weird sticks and flowers." He reminds me of the time Nabi and me went to a flea market and they kept me by their side the entire time because there was a heard of people everywhere. Nabi acted like the world might have just vanished the very moment I was out of sight and really didn't like a weird man that kept following us.

"How about once we come back home, if it isn't dark out, we can go search for some wild flowers for Y/N. Sound good?" I nod my head with a large smile, after a bit we see a motorcycle drive past us and turn around, coming back to us and stopping. They take their helmet off and seem happy to see us. "Hey Ross, wasn't expecting you." Roy seems quite confused by Ross showing up randomly.

"You're the one on the group chat who said you're going to Roberts, just thought you guys would want a ride...oh hey Peps and little Koala." I wave at him while Pepper lets out a greeting bark, he seems surprised to see us....a lot of . "He coming with or did he chase after you?" Ross asks in a teasing tone towards Roy.

"Max is coming with, I was thinking to drop him off with Lila so he can play with the twerps." Roy seems a bit annoyed but is also smiling at his friend. No matter how many times I've seen Ross, Robert, and Roy mess with each other, they never hate or get annoyed at each other. But Pepper growls not wanting us to split up while I tug on his shirt.

"Nabi said stay together though." I stare at Roy and start pouting a bit, Roy seems confused at first but quickly gives in.

"Well hop on then, I'm sure Robert and Roy don't mind little koala coming with!" Roy nudges me to the motorcycle not minding the change of his plans and Ross helps me on in front of him while Roy hops behind him. "You sure you can hold on Roy?" Ross seems really worried for Roy...I like Roy's friends, they're nice.

"A few ribs got hurt and healed, I'm not on deaths door." Roy says while rolling his eyes but you can still see him grinning. Ross gives his helmet to Roy and his spare to me while Pepper sits beside the motorcycle. "Can you keep up with us Peps?" She looks at us and lets out a yawn making me chuckle.

"Alright lets see how well the old girl can keep up!" He revs the engine up signalling Pepper he's about to take off and as soon as he does Pepper keeps paces with him just shortly behind but seems to get tired after a bit. "Doesn't her breed only go in sprints like cheetahs?" I can't really turn myself to see their expressions.

"Yah but she doesn't act like that." Roy is quickly disproved with Pepper slowing almost completely down and heading into the woods. "Uh..."

"Did Pepper just leave us?" Ross keeps his main focus on the road but seems really confused, just as much as Roy. We get to the end of the main town plaza area that's just before the theater we see Pepper sprint out of the forest and catch up to us quickly. "That was quick?!"

"Fast dog!" I praise Pepper for being quick like a rabbit.

"Did she take a shortcut?" I turn around to look at Pepper and see Roy looks for any opening in the forest from where she came from.

Chances and Changes - Bob Velseb x Reader (Original version, slight hiatus)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora