Emerysn nods her little head. I encourage her to go over to Niall, watching how she second guesses herself but reaches for his hand and holds onto him while assessing over his gentle face.

I thank the doctor for everything he's done today, shaking his hand but also requesting they get some security to watch the door and don't let anyone in that's not Emersyn or I. He doesn't ask questions and I think due to the nature of Niall's injuries he understands why I'd make such a request.

I want Niall safe in here.

Joining Emersyn, I pull a chair over for her to take a seat but I simply stand behind her and watch over the both of them protectively. Niall looks so peaceful despite the situation, if I look past the wires attached to him and the thick bandage on chest it looks like he's just sleeping.

She keeps a hold on his hand, watching over him like she's trying to check everything has been done right despite having zero clue what she's doing - she's just so worried about him. "Niall... I'm so sorry." She drops her forehead against the back of his hand, releasing sob that's been building up since I calmed her down.

My hand smooths up and down her back, there's no point talking her down but instead simply comforting her as each emotion hits her soul. She's going to blame herself for this, I already know that but none of this has ever been her fault.

How was she meant to not love me? Our souls are tied, there was never any escaping the infatuation hers had for mine.

The world was against us but our souls knew what we wanted.

Our relationship was always going to end in trouble. I just never thought it would've been Niall laying in a hospital bed, I was convinced it would've been me - I should've protected him better. I need to protect the people around me, they're the most important souls to me yet I'm failing what I tasked myself with.

The strong drugs they've had him on are clearly beginning to wear off because a quiet but pained groan tumbles from his lips, sounding uncomfortable. Emersyn lifts her head to scan over his face once again, he's quietly groaning and his brows begin to scrunch.

She panics and looks up at me, "he's in pain, Harry! Get the doctor, he needs more help!" Her voice holds fear, staring up at me with wide eyes.

"Angel, I promise he's okay, he's just getting used to being awake again. I'll call the doctor if he's hurting but I'm sure he's just adjusting." I soothe her the best I can, directing her attention back to Niall as his eyes creek open but the light takes him by surprise and they quickly fall shut with an elongated gravely moan.

She looks down at him terrified but I hope my reassurance calmed her slightly. Niall needs her to be relaxed because if he wakes up to panicked people it'll instil it in his veins.

"Fuck..." He croaks, "it's bright."

Emersyn's hand smooths softly through his hair, comforting him despite her fears. "Sorry... are you in pain?"

He shakes his head softly against the pillow, "I feel okay, no pain." He whispers, lips barely moving. "Don't worry." His eyes peek open once again, trying to look up at Emersyn and she leans in closer so he doesn't have to strain. "Hi Em."

She chuckles softly, still playing gently with his hair. "Hi Ni."

His eyes fall shut again but he has a small smile on his face, "is my arm okay?"

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