All of the sudden a powerful blizzard started sorrounding the area.

Esdeath then smirked.

Esdeath:" So someone's finally gotten impatient and decided to act on his own to taste victory before the final battle kicks off. Now then. Watch closely soldiers, to see how I do things." she said with an evil smirk on her face.

Rebel 3:" Nuge. S-Somebody's flying through the air towards us." he warned Nuge.

Nuge:" Ah..... Isn't that Esdeath?" he asked with a bit of shock.

Esdeath was seen floating in the air with a smirk on her face.

Esdeath:( By controlling the breeze around me, I can make myself float. I can't move faster than Ran, but....... I've got one of the most useful and world destroying powers in the whole world...) she thought in her head as Nuge then took out his bow and arrows.

Nuge:" Just our luck. I'll skewer her with my Teigu, L'Arc Qui Ne Faut!! Taking her out will be the greatest military feat!! Lucky For me she's identified herself!!! Target: Esdeath!!!" he yelled as he activated his Observation Haki and coating the arrows in Armament Haki and fired them at Esdeath.





L'Arc Qui Ne Faut. A Bow and Arrow Teigu. When you fire it while yelling your target's Name...... so long as said target remains it's firing range.... it arros will pursue it relentlessy..... Until inevitably hitting their Mark. 






Esdeath ended up generating a powerful cold pressure which ended up freezing the arrows mid air.

Nuge eyes widen in shock as he ended up losing some hair in the process.

Esdeath:" Your Teigu..... Who are you trying to shoot with this thing? Don't use... Mediocre Teigu. Do it with style!!!" she yelled as ice spikes fired down at her enemies completely destroying them.

 Do it with style!!!" she yelled as ice spikes fired down at her enemies completely destroying them

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Esdeath started laughing sadistically.

Esdeath:" The Final battle..... Will be nothing like this.... I'm going to treat ou to the Trump Card I still have up my sleeve...... Revolutionary Army......"  she said with a sadistic grin on her facing.





Inside of the of the Palace of the Imperial Capital, Suzuka was seen fighting against the Rebels and was proving herself to be superior than them.

Suzuka:" You must not have known how scary it is inside the Palace. You Barbarians.~" she said with a teasing tone.

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