Chapter 43

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In the Imperial Capital's Palace, everyone was now having a meeting about the current situation.

Honest:" As you all know...... The Revolutionary Army has broken through barriers in a bloodless battle. Do we have any good ideas for how to deal with thise threat?" he asked while eating.

Councilman:" Sh*t! Another bloodless surrender curse those spineless viceroys!!!" he said angrily.

Councilman 2:" What are the Regional Armies doing? Have them forego putting down the Riots and focus on the Revolutionary Army." he said angrily.

Councilman 3:" The Revolutionary Army has already had countless run-ins with the local units... but they are led by former of Admirals and Vice-Admirals who not only are seasoned soldiers but also equipped with Teigu and Devil Fruits. They have Extase, Scream and Belvaac tooo!!! They keep driving us away." he said making the other Councilmen worried.

Councilman 4:" So the majority ended up in the hands of the Revolutionary Army..... We underastimated them......" he said.

Honest:" All this talking in circles is making me lose my appetite....." he said as he sighed.

Syura put an hand on his chin and then started thinking.

Syura:( This situation is so critical and yet.... Pops's acting like he's got all the time in the world...... is it because...... we have the Supreme Teigu that has been passed down through the Imperial Family?) he thought in his head before Budo stepped in the room.

Budo:" Don't panic. You're supposed to be the best people we've got." he said.

Councilman 5:" OH, THAT'S ADMIRAL BUDO!!!" he said as Budo sat down making Syura gulped.

Syura:( And....... We've got this guy too...) he thought in his head.

Budo:" If the Revolutionary Army gets close enough to the Capital..... My Imperial Guards and I will crush them. Fear not." he said with a serious tone.

Councilman:" That's reassuring. If Admiral Budo steps in, we can win." he said with relief.

Councilman 2:" Yes, there was never any need to panic." he said before Budo looked at them with a dead glare making them stay quiet.

Budo:" Military Officers should not meddle in Government affairs..... I was born into a military household and have upheld my family's teachings. But I cannot remain silent on this matter any longer. You pathetic louses. after I've wiped out the Revolutionary Army..... I believe the Corruption that has warped the Government's stability must be pulled up from the roots. No matter who's involved. I trust you agree." he said with a serious tone.

Honest just smirked.

Honest:" Oooooh, very scary. I don't even know who you're referring to, but they'd do well to prepare themselves for what's coming." he said with a smirk while Budo starred at Honest with his arms crossed.

Syura:( Yet another interesting development. I really did come back home at the perfect time!!) he thought in his head.










The Night Raid was now back to their hideout as Najenda decided to take action immidiatly.

Najenda:" Our Spy Team is gathering the latest News from the Capital. It'll be few days before we hear from them. We're not leaving hideout until then....." she said as she left.

Flame Emperor........Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora