Chapter 14

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Bols and Wave were now seen making dinner as Wave started interacting a little bit.

Wave:" I figured my souvenirs from the sea and all its bounty.... would make for a perfect welcome meal for everyone." he said as Bols started opening the fish.

Wave:( Isn't it weird that he can cook with a mask like that?) he thought in his head.

Bols:" Wave the spinach goes last. Otherwise it will wilt." he told to Wave.

Wave:" Ah, sorry. Man I gotta tell you... I'm relieved you're such a nice guy." he said with a bright smile as Bols then cut the fish in half after skinning it.

Bols:" I'm not........ a nice guy." he said feeling remorseful which made Wave raised an eyebrow.






in the living room, Kurome was now seen playing with Koro, Esdeath and Seryu interacting peacefully and Dr. Stylish was flirting with Ran.

Seryu:" Fleet Admiral Esdeath. I'm curious. What do you like to do in your personal time?" she asked with a bright smile.

Esdeath:" Hunting. Torture.Or studying up on either one. But at the moment..... I'd like....... to find love." she said with a calm smile making Kurome and Seryu shocked.

Kurome and Seryu:( LOVE?!?!) they thought in their heads as Esdeath then smirked at their reaction.

Esdeath:" By the way. I understand there was a extra Teigu left after the battle, am I right?" she asked to Seryu.

Seryu:" A-Ah, yes. We're in possession of a scissors shaped Teigu collected from the enemy. But we haven't found someone qualified for it." she said trying to recover from her shock.

Esdeath:" If someone isn't found soon, the Prime Minister will take it. What a waste. While we search for someone who can wield it... perhaps we could have some fun." she said with a smirk.









The next day at the Imperial Capital, Y/n was now see walking in the streets wearing a black button up t-shirt leaving his chest and abs out.

Y/n then stopped at a shop called 'Booknight' and there waiting for him was Lubbock.

Lubbock:" Oi!" he said with a smile.

Y/n:" Yo!" he said with a serious tone as Lubbock then pointed inside of the shop.

Lubbock:" Follow me." he said as they both went it.

Y/n and Lubbock were now seen making their way in the secret hide out of the place.

Lubbock:" Watch your step." he said.

Y/n:" It's like a secret lair." he said as he light up his index finger with fire so that he could've seen more.

Lubbock:" Right? It's my pride and joy!!!" he said with a cheerful smile.

Y/n:" I doubt you made this." he said with a deadpanned expression on his face as Lubbock felt offended.

There waiting for the two was Leone who was sitting on a couch in a room.

Leone:" Hey there!!!! Welcome to our Capital hideout." she said with a bright smile while drinking a glass of beer.

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