Chapter 4

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It was now late night in the Imperial Capital as screaming was heard in an hallway.

Civilian:" P-Please!!!! Please don't kill me!!!!!" she begged at the person that was now holding her up by her troath as underneath her were the bodies of two men who got beheaded.

Zanku:" Naughty, Naughty. It's your fault for walking around at this hour. Did your parents ever told you? 'Night is when the monsters come out." he said with a sadistic smile on his face.

Civilian:" I-I'll do anything!!!" she yelled in tears.

Zanku:" I like to talk so how about you entertain me?" he asked with a smile on his face.

Civilian:" Y-Yes, I will!!!!! I swear it-" she was then interrupted by her body falling on the ground except her head.

Zanku:" Does it hurt? How does it feel like to have your head severed from your body, huh?" he asked to the head of the poor civilian before dropping it.

Zanku then had a wide smile on his face.

Zanku:" Hmmmmmm, how delightful!!!! I just can't stop!!!!" he said with a lust for battle and carnage.








Back at the hideout of the NightRaid everyone was now infront of Najenda who informed them about the enemy.

Najenda:" This next target is a serial killer from the rumors. He appears randomly late at night.... and beheads his victims. There's no telling how many dozens he's killed already." she said.

Y/n:" Some of them have to be guards aswell right? He must be strong." he said.

Lubbock:" No doubt about that, it's the former of executioner Zanku." he said.

Y/n:" Zanku? Who is that?" he asked with curiousity.

Mine:" You don't know? You really are from the East Blue, aren't you?" she asked tryint to sound smarter than Y/n.

Sheele:" Excuse me, I don't know either." she said as Mine sweatdropped.

Mine:" Sheele, I think it's that you just forgot." she said.

Y/n:" So, what kind of monster is this guy?" he asked to Mine.

Mine:" Executioner Zanku. He originally worked at the largest prison in the Kingdom also known as Impel Down, he was the executioner. Because of the Minister he had a lot of people to execute. Day in day out over and over. They say he beheaded all these people pleading for their lives. After Years of that beheading became a second nature to him. However for him it wasn't enough and he took to the streets." she said.

Bulat:" As soon as the subjugation corps was organized, he disappeared, but...... I never thought he'd show up in the capital." he said with his arms crossed.

Y/n:" LET'S FIND HIM AND TAKE HIM DOWN!!!!" he said with excitment before Bulat tapped his shoulder.

Bulat:" Not so fast, Mr. Portgas." he said with a calm smile on his face.

Y/n:" What now?!?" he asked frustrated.

Bulat:" Zanku stole a Devil Fruit that originally was meant for the head of the prison and now he's loose on the streets with it. We have to act in groups of two or else you could be in danger." he said with a flowery aura around him as Y/n raised an eyebrow.

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