Chapter 33

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I had a dream....... These are of the memories of the past.....





Y/n, now 17 years old was now seen in the former of hideout of the Night Raid talking with Sheele.

Sheele:" The scar on my cheek?" she asked to Y/n.

Y/n:" Yeah, how'd you get it?" he asked referring to the cut of her left cheek.

Sheele:"........... Oh, this?" she asked before her expression turned sad.

Mine:" THERE YOU GO YOU MADE HER SAD!!!!!" she pointed at Y/n as veins appeared on Y/n's forehead.

Sheele:" No, I just forgot how I got it." she said as Y/n sweatdropped while choking Mine with his left hand.

Y/n:" Ah...... That's pretty sad too." he said with a deadpanned expression on his face.

Sheele eyes then widen.

Sheele:" NOW I REMEMBER!!!!!!! IT WAS A FIERCE BATTLE!!!" she said happily.





Sheele and Mine were seen in a mission hiding behind trees.

Mine:" We'll wait here until our target comes by." she told Sheele.

Sheele:" Okay." she said while cleaning her glasses.

Mine:" Don't go dropping your glasses and breaking them. Without those, you'll be as blind as a bat!" she warned Sheele.

Sheele:" How rude. I can see a little. See? Like this. I'm capable of moving nimbly!!!!" she said as she was jumping up and down happily before she ended up grazing herself against a regular tree branch that cut her right cheek.

Sheele:" OWWW!! S-SORRY!!!" she yelled in pain as veins appeared on Mine's forehead.

Mine:" Do me a favor and sit still until the target comes, okay?" she asked to Sheele.





Sheele:" And that is how it happened." she said happily as both Y/n and Mine sweatdropped.

Y/n:( That had nothing to do with battle.) he thought in his head.

Mine:( Just leave her to her books about 100 ways not be a ditz....) she thought in her head.




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