Chapter 38

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At the Cathedral Bolic and Esdeath were now seen playing chessboard as Bolic smirked at her.

Bolic:" You only need to serve as my bodyguard for two more weeks." he said.

Esdeath:" Two more weeks? Oh, that's right. It'll be the region's day.... there's going to be a grand festival." she said.

Bolic:" Yes. The Groundwork's finally been laid out. I'm going to have the founding priest killed to make him a true holy ghost. And then, infront of all believers whon will be gathered there....... I'm going to name myself the New Head Priest." he said with a sadistic smile on his face.

Esdeath then looked down at the chessboard and smiled.

Esdeath:" You've beaten me." she said with a calm smile.

Bolic:" HAHAHAHA!!!! You've got natural talent, but you still lack experience!!!" he said with amusement.





Esdeath was now seen walking in the hallways of the cathedral as the smile on her face dropped.

Esdeath:" Najenda must realize she's running out of time. She'll be coming here soon. We'll shore up our security." she said.








At the Night Raid's Headquarters Lubbock was now seen finishing to make food for everyone.

Lubbock:" I hope you're ready everyone....... Najenda, it's salt flavored ramen with firm noodles." he said proudly

Najenda:"OOooooh, I have total confidence in how the chicken is seasoned and the amount of salt!!!" she said happily as Lubbock blushed

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Najenda:"OOooooh, I have total confidence in how the chicken is seasoned and the amount of salt!!!" she said happily as Lubbock blushed.

Lubbock:" Erm...... Mine, It's strawberry parfait!!!!" he said.

 Mine, It's strawberry parfait!!!!" he said

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