Chapter 23

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In a village on the outskirts of the Capital an husband and his pregnant wife were now seen inside of their house discussing a matter.

Husband:" No matter what, don't go out by yourself." he warned his wife not to go outside on her own.

Wife:" I won't. I have my precious baby to think of too." she said with a peaceful smile while sitting on her chair.

Everything was going fine until the mysterious Danger Beasts bursted through the door of the house.

Husband:" What?!?" he yelled in shock as he went to grab his shotgun, only for one the Danger Beasts to devour his head.

One of the Danger Beasts then went after the pregnant woman.

Wife:" A-Ah, no s-stop!!!! N-Not my belly!!! Please!!!!" she begged, but all that was heard were scream of agony and pain.







The next day back at the Imperial Capital, Makoto was now seen complimenting Esdeath.

Makoto:" Thanks to CP7 almost all the rebels in the Capital Region have been eradicated! Night Raid must fear you, Fleet Admiral Esdeath. Because they've haven't made any moves in the past 3 years. These are superb results." he said with a bright smile.

Esdeath:" Yes. And as soon as we discover Night Raid's hideout we will hunt them down swiftly." she said while bowing down as Makoto nodded happily.

Makoto:" I'm glad, but I'm sorry that you haven't been able to find a man who fits your criteria, Fleet Admiral. If you won't have the Prime Minister, then how about his son? I believe he has a promising future." he said with a bright smile on his face as Honest had a deadpaned expression on his face.

Esdeath:" Your Highness. As my report indicated, I've already found my man. I'll be fine." she said.

Makoto:" But didn't he disappear? You lost your love." he asked with a innocent tone.

Esdeath:" I keep the hope alive that I will someday recapture him. One might call that kind of love....." she said with passion as Makoto and Honest starred at her for a while.

Makoto:" How deep!!!" he said as he was feeling Esdeath passion and determination.

Honest:" It's not really that deep." he said with a deadpanned expression on his face.






Esdeath and Honest were now seen both having lunch together.

Honest:" It seems his Highness has been influenced by you and is now in love himself. Once he's a little older, it'll be a full course meal of decadence, from drinking to women to gourmet..... Guhehehehe!!!!" he said in amusement as Esdeath had a calm smile on her face.

Esdeath:" And he'll still be your puppet." she said with a calm smile.

Honest:" I'll give his Highness..... sweet, sweeet memories....." he said as he put a lot of sugar cubes in his coffee.

Esdeath:" Don't give him any diseases." she said as she sweatdropped.

Honest:" Now then.... I have another favor to ask of you, Fleet Admiral." he said with a smile while drinking his coffee.

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