Y/n eyes widen in horror.

Leone:" I did it......." she said with a weak smile.

Y/n:" Leone!!! Your wounds aren't healing!!!! I'll get you treated right now-" he was then interrupted by Leone speaking.

Leone:" I finally payed you back........ for saving me back at Xylem....... I finally did something good for you......." she said with a weak smile.

Y/n:" W-What are you talking about?!? GET HER A DOCTOR!!! PLEASE SOMEBODY HELP LEONE!!!"he yelled as a doctor of the Revolutionary Army started running towards them.

Mine:" HURRY UP DOCTOR!!!! SHE NEEDS FIRST AID!!!" she yelled.

However Leone told them to stop.

Leone:" IT'S NO USE!!!!! I KNOW I'M DYING!!!! M-My guts have been burned out!!! I'm not gonna last long! So...... Listen to me, Y/n." she said.

Y/n:" D-Don't be stupid!!! We're gonna get home!!!! I promise!!!!!" he yelled.

Leone:" Ah, there you go again....... being the Hero............. That isn't your kind of job you know...... If I never met you, I wouldn't have last long enough to see the day...... The Empire would've been so pressed............. Heh, atleast I managed to finally know about the Sea about the lands........ and it was thanks to you........... Your life isn't miserable as you think it is......" she said with a weak smile.








"What? What if Gold Roger had a kid? Off with his head, I say! "






Leone:" It isn't because of who your dad was that you need to blame your own existence....... They didn't know him for who he truly was....... And they don't know you.........." she said with weak smile.






"What say we shove a needle in that kid for every person who hates Roger?"







" Let's burn him at the stake! Right before he dies.... the Whole World will laugh!!! Aye! Everyone is sure to say ' It serves you right!' HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!"






" I want his last words to be...... 'I'm sorry for being born the trash I am.'"

" Ah, well there's no such brat."


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