Chapter Fifty-Six

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We kick off Hell in a cell tonight with a very special message from superstar Roman Reigns who is recovering from an unfortunate injury he received at Night of Champions.

My eyes darted to the screen in our dressing room just as Romans face appeared, I felt my breath hitch when I caught sight of him. He looked absolutely handsome as usual but as he spoke I could hear how tired he was.

"Did you guys know about this?"

I asked my team mates who both shrugged their shoulders sheepishly, of course they did.

"I've been taking it easy, relaxing and recovering with my mom by my side to help me out. I don't know what I'd do without her"

Though I wasn't expecting him to mention me I couldn't help the harsh tugging in my chest when he didn't, I guess he was still mad at me. I laced my boots up half listening to his speech hoping for any indication that he was thinking about me.

"Soon enough I'll be back with Seth and Dean kicking ass and taking names like we always do Believe that and Believe in the Shield"

I could feel my hands beginning to shake as I tried to strap on my riot vest, my eyes filling with tears. I guess this was the end.

"Mia you okay?"

I heard Dean call to me but I simply nodded my head refusing to face him, I didn't want them seeing me like this, broken hearted and hurting. When he approached me I quickly wiped the stray tears from my eyes and turned to give him a quick hug

"I'll see you guys on the other side"

I muttered before picking up my belt and rushing from the room.

Sierra. Hotel. India. Echo. Lima. Delta. Shield

My heart pounded in my chest as I made my way through the crowd, I tried my best to focus on the ring and my job burnt my mind kept drifting to Roman, more specifically if I'd lost him.


I had to get this match back under my control

Focus Mia

I'd started out strong but quickly became distracted and now Nikki had the upper hand. She was throwing move after move at me and most I'd manage to counter but when she did get me boy did she get me good.


The crowd began to chant his name and I stupidly looked around for him only to be nailed with a kick to the face that dazed me badly. Before I could recover I felt my body being lifted then dropped, pain shot through my back as Nikki got me with a rack attack. I tried my best to clear my head but it was too late, I could only groan and listen in horror as the ref counted to 3 and the bell rung.

No no no this couldn't be, I lost. I lost my title, I let myself get distracted and I lost.
When I finally came around the ref was handing the belt over to Nikki and raising her hand. I felt as though everything was collapsing around me so I quickly slid out of the ring and made my way back up the ramp. I needed to get away and fast.

"Hey hey its okay"

Seth and Dean were waiting for me and when Seth pulled me into his arms I let my tears fall.

"Nothings okay anymore. I gotta go okay, good luck. I love you guys"


"Uh hi have a room booked with the WWE, Mia-Rose Harmon"

The clerk behind the desk typed away on her computer before handing me a key card

"Room 612, the other key cards been picked up already so both will need to be returned on checkout. Enjoy your stay Miss Harmon"

I gave her a small smile as I took my key, I guess I'd be rooming with one of the other divas. As I stood in the elevator on the way up to my floor I contemplated calling Roman but as my thumb hovered over the call button I couldn't bring myself to press it, I guess I was too scared to hear what he had to say.

610. 611. 612

I opened the door almost jumped in shock when I saw who was sitting on the bed.


His eyes widened in surprise while mine began to fill with tears

"What are you doing here?"

I asked softly as I let go of my suitcase. Seeing him here after the last couple of weeks apart had me on an emotional rollercoaster. Part of me wanted to hug and kiss him but another part of me just wanted to cry and hit him.

"I came here to talk"

He got to his feet and moved towards me which made my heart begin to pound in my chest.


I asked as I hugged my arms around my body as if I were trying to hold myself together.

"Mia I came to talk about us"

His voice was hard and serious which just made me feel worse

"Please if you're going to break up with me then just get it over and done with and leave"

I refused to look at him, too afraid of breaking. Suddenly he grabbed hold of my arms and pulled me against him

"Mia look at me"

He tilted my chin up to look at him as he brushed tears from my cheeks

"Baby I'm not here to break up with you. I'm here to apologize. I screwed up big time, again and I need to make things right. I am so sorry Mia, I was a complete asshole to you and you didn't deserve to be treated the way I treated you"

He buried one hand in my hair whilst wrapping his other arm around my waist to pull me close.

"That message that screened tonight, I stupidly did while I was angry and they wouldn't let me re-do it. Mia I need you to know that you have been my strength as I recover and when I come back you and I will be side by side ruling this company."

I could feel tears still falling as I listened to him apologize and though I wanted to forgive him I knew I couldn't let him off so easily

"You accused me of cheating with Randy, that hurt the most"

I stressed as i wriggled from his grasp but he only grabbed hold of me and pulled me back into his arms

"I know Mia and I'm a complete asshole for doing that, baby I wanted so badly to come to Arizona and make things right but I couldn't intrude when you were spending time with your dad"

I pushed his hands away and crossed my arms over my chest, my frustration getting to me

"You could have called Roman, a phone call or a text would have been enough instead I've been a complete mess wondering if there was an us anymore"

My tears were still falling as I tugged on my hair

"Ive been scared shitless that you were leaving me, that I'd lost the love of my life"

I clung to his shirt as he held me against him

"You won't ever lose me Mia, I love you too much to let you go. Please forgive me baby girl"

Without a second thought I flung my arms around his neck and kissed him like my life depended on it.

"Baby there's one more thing"

He mumbled as he pulled away slightly, I wasn't too fussed until he suddenly got down on one knee, oh my god could this really be happening

"I know this isn't the most romantic way to do this and I've done it once before but baby I'll do it every day until you say yes if I have to. I love you more than anything Mia, Will you marry me?"

This time without even a shred of doubt I let him slide the sparkling diamond ring onto my finger as I nodded my head

"Yes! Of course I'll marry you Roman"

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