Chapter Fifty-Three

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"Babe come on let's get going"

Roman called as I hopped my way downstairs trying to get my shoes on. After spending a week apart we were in for some much needed alone time so we decided to head out for lunch before he had a doctors visit. He'd been following doctors orders and taking it easy and had even been able to rwmove the halo from his head and just stick to a body brace but he was still in a lot of pain and we were both worried he wasn't healing properly.

"Well don't you look amazing"

I felt my face flush at Romans words and as soon as I was within arms reach he pulled me against him and kissed me softly.

"I love you"

I murmured against his lips as I gently squeezed his biceps. Taking his arm in mine I led him out to my car and opened the passenger door for him.

"You know it's me who should be opening doors for you right, after all I am a gentleman"

I simply chuckled and winked at him

"yeah an injured gentleman now get your ass in the car Reigns"


It felt so good to spend some quality time with my man even if it was just a lunch date, he was in a great mood cracking jokes and making me laugh.

"Man I can't wait to get back in the ring, I feel like I'm getting chubby. Don't get me wrong I love my mom but I swear she's trying to fatten me up, not that I'm complaining"

Roman chuckled as he shoveled spaghetti into his mouth. Fingers crossed the outcome of this doctors visit would be a good one


Maybe I should have crossed my toes as well.

The ride home from the doctors office was practically silent apart from the low hum of the radio, ever since the doctor gave him the bad news he'd shut down again. Our suspicions were confirmed and he wasn't healing like he should be, now he was facing the prospect of surgery and even more time away from the ring.

"babe are you okay?"

I asked as I squeezed his hand, his eyes flittered over to me and he nodded slightly but it was clear to see that he was lying. Maybe now would be a good time to hand over my title, if he had to have surgery I needed to be here to take care of him.

"I know that look Mia and I know what you're thinking so stop. I'm not letting you give up your title to take care of me"

I wasn't surprised that he could tell what I was thinking but I was a little more determined this time around and since I only had two more days off I'd have to use them well convincing him it was the right thing to do.

As soon as the car was parked I made my way around to help him out but he brushed me off, practically ignoring me as he headed for the front door, man did I have my work cut out for me.

"Babe do you need anything?"

I asked as I curled into Romans side, Since we got home yesterday his attitude was getting colder towards me and still he had barely spoken a word. I had to admit it hurt a little but I knew he was just upset about his situation and I knew I'd probably be the same if I were in his position.

"Im fine Mia"

he drawled as he kept his eyes glued to the tv.

"I love you Roman"

I murmured as I kissed his cheek before getting off the couch and heading for the kitchen.

"you too"

I almost didn't hear his reply and I felt my heart clench in my chest, that was the first time he hadn't said the words back and it hurt.


"Roman it's the right thing to do why can't you see that? I need to be here to take care of you"

We'd been going back and forth for a while now and he still wouldn't give in. He didn't want me to give up the title and I thought he was being ridiculous. I had one more night with him and arguing was the last thing I wanted to be doing but I needed him to understand that I only had his best interests in mind.

"For the last time Mia I wont let you give up your title to look after me. You've been given the opportunity of a lifetime with the company and you're the divas champion, I would kill to be in your position right now, to be the champion, damn it id kill just to be able to wrestle and if I were the champion I damn sure wouldn't give it up for you or anyone else"

I froze on the spot as he stopped shouting, his words hitting me like a tonne of bricks. I was speechless and barely able to think straight, how could he even say something like that.

"I'm going to ignore what you said because I know you're upset but if that's how you really feel then I won't give up the title"

What hurt even more was the fact that he didn't apologize or even look in my direction as I left the room.

As I lay on the couch hoping he would come for me I couldn't help think about what he said, I know he was just mad and frustrated but is that how he really felt. I could hear him pacing around our bedroom before switching the lights off and getting into bed.

That night I cried myself to sleep.

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