Chapter 25 🔥

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Liam had a evil look in his eye, that scared me but in a weird way I was excited for what he was going to do. He began undressing and stepped into the shower, I look a I step back but he only took a step forward filling the space between us. He placed his hand on my waist and stepped towards me again making my back press up against the cold tiles. I looked up at him trying to give him the best doe eyes possible but I knew I must have just looked anxious. "What's wrong angel you looked scared" Liam taunted.

Liam grabs my hand calming me, I give him a loving look and just for a second it looks like he might go easy on me. But then his eyes darken, his hand moves to my wrist and collects my other wrist and holds them behind my back. He holds my wrist in one hand and switches the vibrator on with his other. He places it on my clit, a shock goes up my spine and I flinch back. Pleasure ripples through me I let out a loud moan, I roll my hips forward enjoying the pleasure. Liam leans down and gives me a passionate kiss distracting me, I can feel a familiar build up and after a couple of seconds I cum, moaning and shaking in Liam's hold. I expect him to take the vibrator off and give me a break but he doesn't.

A crazy amount of orgasms later and I can't even think straight Liam is supporting all of my weight and if he lets go I will fall to the ground. I cum again and it's all to much. "Liam stop I can't take this anymore" I plead. To my surprise he takes the vibratory away and carry's me out of the shower. He places a warm towel around me and picks me up again taking me out of the bathroom back into my bedroom. Liam puts me down but is still holding me up he grabs one of his shirts off the bed and puts it on me, I'm assuming one of the guys put it there because it wasn't on my bed before. He pulls back the blanket and places me in bed while he puts on some boxes. He crawls into bed with me and rolls me onto his chest.

"You did so good baby" he comforted. I felt a small piece of me slip away I couldn't explain but I felt myself begin to cry before I crashed.

"Sweetheart it's time to get up" Ryle whispered softly. I rolled on to my stomach and pulled the blanket over my head Ryle chuckled and picked me up walking out the door. " no" I mumbled into his chest "back to bed". "Come on it's almost lunch time and we all need to have a little talk". He picked me up off the bed and carried me out the door.

Sorry for the wait and that this is a really short chapter.

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