Chapter 14

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She is gorgeous. Her skin looks like it would be silk to the touch, her hair long and brown with a light wave, her beautiful forest green eyes. She is the definition of perfection. Her doe eyes look up at me. "Can I see your rings" her voice was soft and adorable. No one has ever taken an interest, all my rings have a special meaning and purpose.

She has her hand on the table facing up. I put my hand in hers and she started fidgeting with my rings. Then she moved onto my bracelet she took a special interest in a thin leather one. I took my hand out of hers, it looked like I had taken candy of a baby. I took the small bracelet off my wrist and grabbed her arm. I slid it into her wrist and her eyes lit up. She wrapped her arms around my neck and hugged me tight. "Really?" Her eyes lit up as she asked. "Yes, it's to keep me close to you" I said. She smiled brightly and it was the most beautiful thing I had ever seen. Once her embrace loosened I walk to the kitchen where Ryle and kade were still talking.

"It's getting worse isn't it" I said in a whisper so Bree wouldn't hear. "They are getting closer to finding her" Ryle says in a worried voice. Kade pours himself a drink and Ryle sits on down on a stool with his hands rested on the bench. Bree's father is a very wealthy man and the only reason he got there is from shady deals. One of those shady deals was promising his daughters hand in marriage to a lot of disgusting, sick in the head men. Now that Bree has turned 18 a lot of those men are coming for her that's why Ryle and I had to go out last night. We had to deal with those men, thank god that Bree was there was she was there when she was. If we didn't get to her than she would be dead by now.

None of us knew how long it would be before they found out where she was. When we did a background check on her we had found out about her father. We had never had meetings at our house so no one knows we live here. Soon word will get out she is staying with us, that will make a few people back off but others will not. She walks into the kitchen, all our expressions slightly change. "Could I please turn on the tv" she asked politely. "Of course, we will be in there in a minute" Ryle said to her. She smiled and walked into the lounge room.

"It bothers me how timid she is, she acts as if she did something without asking we would hurt her" Ryle spoke. Kade and I just nodded. We did say we would punish her if she did something bad, but not if she turned on a goddam tv. Kade has a major in psychology, but even I can see she has daddy issues and must have some form of anxiety. Her personality traits are either going to make her trust to easily or she won't just us at all. Kade begins to walk into the lounge room, Ryle and I follow. She put on the fifth Harry Potter movie I personally love the forth one, Bree said it was to hard to pick a favourite.

I sit down next to her on the lounge, Ryle takes the other three seater and kade takes the single. Bree looks over at me as if she wants to ask something. I assume she wants to cuddle I put my arm out and curl my fingers. Her eyes light up and she snuggled into my side with my head on my chest.

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