Chapter 22

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I walked up to my room and found three boxes and my bed each with a envelope on the top. I started with the smallest box, I opened the envelope to a letter.
To my princess,
I hope that you find this gift as beautiful as I find you.
Liam xoxo
He is such a sweetheart. I open the box to see the most gorgeous Dimond bracelet I have ever seen. I put it on and it fits perfect, I grab the big box and open the envelope first again.
My perfect Bree,
I give you this gift to show you nothing could outshine your beauty.
My heart melts these guys can be so cute sometimes. I open the box to find a gorgeous short , long sleeve, baby pink backless dress. I look at the tag and it is my size it's so simple but so stunning. I grab the letter on top of the last box.
To Bree
From Kade
I didn't expect Kade to pour his heart out but at least he even got me something I should be grateful for that. I don't think he likes me that much I just Ryle and Liam have forced him to be nice to me. I open the box to see a beautiful white handbag, it goes perfectly with the dress. I try on the dress and it is very flattering I put on some extra makeup and do my hair.

Just as I'm about to walk out there is a knock on the door "I'm almost ready" I yell out grabbing my bag "you can come in" Kade walks in holding a box. "Ryle brought you that bag I busy when they were buying things but I got you this to make up for it" he said handing me to box. I took the lid off and found a amazing pair of white heels, they had a strap to crisscross wrap a couple of time up your calf and look to be about 5 inches. They are probably the best pair of heels I have laid my eyes on "I love them Kade" I smile at him. I wrap my arms around his neck and he lets me lightly wrapping a arm around my waist. "I'm glad you like them" he says sounding soft and gentle and for a second he seems like he let one of his walls down. But once he pulled away from the hug and saw me looking into his eyes I swear I saw his eyes darken. "Come on the others are waiting downstairs" he told me before walking back down stairs. I sat on my bed to put them on them followed him downstairs.

Ryle and Liam are waiting in the kitchen, Ryle is leaning on the island wearing a grey dress shirt with the sleeves rolled up showing off his massive arms and the top buttons undone. Liam is the same expect with a navy blue shirt and Kade in a black one, they all look hot as fuck. "You look gorgeous princess" Liam says smirking and putting his hands on my waist but staying back to look me up and down a couple of times. "I have never seen a more beautiful person in my life" Ryle said wrapping his arms around my waist from behind me as Liam let go. Ryle placed kiss down my neck and to my shoulder making butterflies go crazy in my tummy but before it started to fill a little to good he groaned and pulled away. "We should probably save the fun till after, we have to go to be on time for our reservation" Ryle sounded pained as he said it.

We all piled into a car with me in between Liam and Kade with Ryle in the front driving. Liam's hand rested on my thigh, after a few minutes Kades hand moved to my other thigh squeezing it lightly, causing tingles to erupt through me like wildfire. His hand moved upwards and Liam started peppering light kisses along my neck up to my ear and then back down. I put my head back giving Liam more access to my neck, Kade drawing circles with his fingers on my upper thigh. Liam put his hand on my chin and guided my head to him and leaned in and kissed me. At first in was soft then it became more passionate his hand grabbed the back of my neck pushing my head closer to his. His tongue slipped into my mouth dancing with mine, Kades hand was still playing with my thigh making me tingle. It felt like heaven but came to a end when the car started to slow down and Liam and Kade pulled away as we pulled up to the restaurant.

Liam opened the door and got out then waited by it until I got out and shut the door behind me. This is the first time I have been out of the house in a long time. We walk into the restaurant and as soon as we do a Italian women walks over to us in about her mid 40s. "Caro" the women says grabbing Liam's cheeks and squeezing them before giving him a big hug. "Ciao mamma" Liam answers her. I can't understand what they are saying but I can tell they must love each other. "Is this her" The women asks Liam. "Yes it is" Liam answers putting his hand on my waist, looking down at me and giving me a warm smile. "Bree this is my mother, Giulia "Liam tells me. "She is even more beautiful than you described" Giulia says wrapping me in a hug. "It's nice to meet you" I say to her. She smiles "it's nice to meet you to, now come on let's get you guys fed. Liam held my hand and his mother her hand on my back as Liam led me away. I turn back and she was hugging Ryle and Kade saying something to them in a Italian that I couldn't understand.

I sat down and Ryle and Liam sat next to me with Kade across from me. "My mother owns this restaurant" Liam answers the question I was wondering. "Does that mean we get free food, I don't have any money. I think it's really nice of you guys to not ask for money yet but I should probably start making some money" I said to all of them. They seem like they have a lot of money but I still don't want to be rude by not offering. I used to have a job at a little cafe around the corner from my house and it was a lot of fun working there so I wouldn't mind working again. "Baby it's a nice offer but we love paying for your things and we have more than enough money. But I can understand how things may get lonely or boring at home so if you want to get a job you can" Ryle said. "You could probably get a job here if I talked to my mum, do you have work experience" Liam asked. "Yes I used to work at a cafe, it was really fun" i smiled. "Perfect I'll talk to her after dinner"

After we finished dinner we started heading back out to the car, we said bye to Liam's mother on the way she is so nice. We got into the car this time with Kade driving and me in between Ryle and Liam. They didn't make any moves, which I was surprised about, the ride home isn't long so before I new it we were home. We walked inside and I went up to my bedroom to get changed. Right before I got undressed I heard a knock at the door I opened it and all of them were standing there. What's going on?

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