Chapter 17

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I wish I could tell Bree the truth but I just can't she would never forgive me. She would never forgive any of us. I speed down the road on the way home. I'm just going to stick with the story that we all agreed on. Which Bree hasn't really asked about yet. We had the idea of coming clean or coming up with a lie about a bad guy being there that we had to deal with. But if we said that we would have to tell her we are mafia.

I pull into the driveway, hoping that things could go back to normal with Bree. I unlock the door and walk in, I can hear voices in the kitchen. "Where could she have possibly gone, we got sensors installed we would know if she left" I could hear kade say. "What if she did something to them it's dangerous for her to be out by herself" Liam stressed. I walked into the kitchen, they knew I could hear them. "What do you think we should do?" Kade asked he almost looked like he cared if she was gone. "Check all the sensors, she if she has done something to them" I said, Kade nodded in agreement and pulled out his phone. "She seemed upset this morning, did something happen?" He questioned me. "We got into a fight that's probably why she tried to get away again" I told him ashamed I was the reason she left. "Everything is normal, she is in the house" Kade said. Liam had the same oh fuck look on our face.

We began to run to the room we were sure she was in. There are a lot of bodies down there if Bree is there she won't be able to handle it. We get to the door it's jammed shut. Kade starts kicking it, hard. We had the door reinforced but Kade manages it kick it down. We turn flip the power switch and there is Bree lying face down next to horrible and dismembered bodies. All the people in this room deserved to die that's the only reason we killed them. Liam lifted her up getting her away from the filthy men. I shouldn't have left like that if I hadn't maybe this wouldn't have happened. She has a small cut in her head and her wrist looks like it is starting to bruise.

Once we finish strapping her wrist and putting a Band-Aid on her head Liam takes her to bed. It is silent between me and Kade with both know we fucked up leaving her alone. I can tell he is mad, it wasn't her fault whoever was down there last shouldn't have left the door unlocked. Liam walked back down the stairs he got a himself a drink and sat in the kitchen with Kade and I. "Who was in there last, cause we never forget to lock the door?" I asked. Even when it's just us three in the house and there is nothing living down there will still lock it. "I was last down there I locked it" Kade said strongly. He would never forget to lock it. "Are you sure it shut properly?" I looked over to him. "It locked" Kade said. I believe him, maybe the door is broken we will have to fix that. I was snapped out of my thoughts by the sound of glass smashing. I looked over at a very angry looking Kade her the smashed glass in his hand. "Jasper" shit.

All it took was one quick glance at each other and we knew what had happened. I ran up to brees room and swung the door open. There she was the light of the sunset making her tear stained checks rosy, she is the most gorgeous sight I had ever seen. That beautiful girl didn't deserve this, jasper held a gun the her head laughing as she cried. The other came running into the room. "Let her go" Liam spoke in a way even I would be scared of. Jasper laughed he is a psychopath, he put a hand around her throat, she sobbed. after we find a way to get Bree out of his grasp he is getting those hands cut off.

"What do you want?" Liam spoke again. "One night with this pretty little princess" jasper voice was like nails on a chalkboard. I need to get her away from him. Cameron our best friend should be here soon, I saw Liam press the emergency button in the kitchen before we all spilt up. The button sends a alert to Cameron's phone saying we need backup. As if on queue a bullet goes through Jaspers arm, he lets go of Bree and falls to the ground.

As soon as he drops Bree runs into my arms. I take her out of her room and into mine.

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