Chapter 10

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His room smells like whiskey and cologne. It's dark in here,scary I want to leave. I hate being trapped places, my parents use to lock me in my room for days. not because I did anything wrong just because they wanted to forget I exist.

I sit on the corner of his bed I heard him lock the door, I wonder why he has a lock on the outside. I can easily pick a lock I just need a bobby pin or something. I stand up and walk up to his draws. Empty. Why doesn't he have anything in them? I open his closet, he has a walk in closet. It's filled with suits and shoes the man doesn't know what colour is.

I walk out and something catches my eye. A phone, his phone, perfect. I go but into his closet and pick out the most expensive looking suit. I slip off my clothes, and put on the suit jacket with just my lacy black bra underneath. I pull on some pants but they fall down so I grab a belt. I get his phone off the desk and go to camera. I start spamm his phone with every funny face I can make.

After changing into many suits and taking way to many pictures. I think it's around 2am, I'm really tired. But I think I have to clean up Kades room before I fall asleep, his clothes are all over the ground. He would probably actually kill me if he found out, I start folding the clothes and putting them back in his closet. This is going to take a while.

Half an hour later, and finally a clean room I feel like I'm going to pass out. I haven't even thought about the fact that I have to sleep in his bed yet. I fold his blanket and sheet back, his scent hits me hard. I just want to wrap myself in the smell of him, and that's exactly what I do. I slip into his bed pulling the blanket over myself and grab one his pillows to snuggle up to.

Part of me wishes there was a warm body next to me. I don't know if I wish it was kade, but I need someone. I always cling to the first person that shows interest in me. Then they run for the hills before anything happens. Riley says that I have must have attachment issues, whatever that means. I wonder what's she is doing now if she has tried to text or call me, if see has called the police, or if she even cares at all.

Sleep is starting to creep up on me . I don't want to sleep in his bed , but for some reason I feel more tired than I ever have. My eyelids become heavy and before I know it everything goes dark.

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