Chapter 4

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The rules
1. No leaving
2. Listen to all of us
3. No lying
4. Drink a least 3 bottles and of water day
5. No being a brat
6. Tell on of us when there is something wrong
Breaking any of these rules will result in punishment.

I finished reading through the list, what the hell is this I think I'm convinced I'm in prison. "This is totally unfair" I looked up at them in disbelief.

"You will follow these rules if you want to remain in your room and not in the basement getting fed once a week" kade said sternly. I wanna cry these guys are clearly dangerous and don't care if they hurt me. "What he means is please obey these rules otherwise there will be some form of punishment" Kyle glanced over at kade as he said some. It brought me a tiny bit of comfort but I would be scared to break any rules in front of kade.

Kyle and kade began to walk off leaving me and Liam alone in the kitchen. He hasn't said anything to me yet, he doesn't seem very talkative. But maybe that's because I haven't been here for very long he might just need some time to warm up. I slowly begin to walk off back to my bedroom. "Where are you going" he said lowly.
"To my room" I said as more as a question. All he did was nod so I took that as a sign I could leave.

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