Chapter 13

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TW mention of eating disorders and addiction


We have watched 3 of the Harry Potter movies now. It started me with just me and Ryle but now we are all here. Liam and kade are sitting on the massive lounge together making it look small. Ryle and I are still cuddling but have gone from laying down to me sitting in his lap.

I think it's around 4 o'clock, which means dinner is soon, I'm starving. We had a small in between movies and had sandwiches, but that was three hours ago and I'm hungry again. It's good that I'm finally eating again I have had eating disorders since I was 13. I would stop eating for months at a time. I would loss a heap of weight than someone would notice and try and get me help. Then I would get insecure again and the whole cycle would repeat. Mary the house keeper would look after me but she wasn't always around.

I have been through a lot in the past stuff that I hope the guys never find out about. I'm scared they would think less of me if they had found out what I have done. I'm better now but I still sometimes get thoughts about going back to my old ways. How good it be would feel to fall back into that hole but I also remember the feeling of climbing out of that hole and it sucks. If what they say are true and I will be staying here for the rest of my life. Than I might tell them eventually but that time is a long way away.

Ryle taps on my thigh "baby I got to get up and start on dinner" I groan and get off him. He leans down and gives me a light kiss on the cheek before walking of to the kitchen. I'm being really clingy at the moment, but kade would probably cut my head off if I went near him so that leaves Liam.  I jump up from we're I'm sitting and walk over to the couch they are sitting on. I smile at Liam giving him pleading eyes and I think he gets the message. He puts his arm over the lounge and nods his head to the spot next to him.

Just as I'm about to sit down next to Liam. Kade pulls me into his lap forcing me to straddle him. His sudden moment's panic me and I try to get off. He holds my thighs tight keeping me from going anywhere. "I'm sorry ok, I shouldn't have yelled at you" he apologised. He put his hand up to my face and tucked a piece of hair behind my ear. He had a pained expression plastered across his face, but is quickly replaced with his usual cold expression. His hands travel to my waist and he lifts me up and put me in between him and Liam.

Half an hour later and I have ended up with my back to Liam's front with him sitting long ways across the lounge. My legs are on Kades lap I'm surprised he hasn't shoved them off yet. I have never felt this much comfort in my life. "Dinners ready" Ryle yells from the kitchen. Oh no I meant to ask if he needed any help but I must let time slip away. I sat up and pulled my hair into a low bun before walking over to the dinning room. I stood in front of a chair wondering if I should serve myself or wait for my food. While I'm standing there thinking a plate full of veggies and a piece of chicken is put in front of me making me jump. Liam put his hand on my shoulder "are you ok" he said with a concerned look. "Yeah Im ok?" I said as more of a question.

I sat down at the table and waited for the others to sit down before I started eating. Liam sat down next to me and Ryle and kade across from us. Sitting next to Liam I notice he has a lot of rings and bracelets. His rings are silver and bracelets leather and it wasn't till now that I notice I have none of my jewellery on. But as of right now I just want to eat, just like every other meal I have had here it is amazing.

I finish off my meal long after the guys do but they still wait with me at the table till I am done. Ryle put way to much on my plate next time I'm serving myself. Even though I hate the feeling of being stuffed it is so worth it. "Thank you it was really good" I smiled at Ryle. He gave me a big grin the biggest I have seen any of the guys have it's still not a full smile but I'll take it. I go to get up and grab the plates and offer to wash up. "Kade and I can handle the washing up I have to talk to him" Ryle gave kade a look I'm not familiar with, leaving me alone with Liam.

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