Chapter 11

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The door clicks and I hear foot steps walking away. I lift the blanket off me and swing my legs over the edge of the bed. That was the best sleep I have ever had it probably just feels like that because I was so tired.

I walk over to kades cupboard and take out one of his shirts I don't need pants, his shirts are like dresses for me. I take off my shirt and pants leaving my underwear and bra on. I slip his massive shirt over my head and Almost drowning in it. I pick up my clothes off the floor and fold them.

I open the door and start to head down stairs, towards the kitchen. Fuck. Ryle is standing over the oven, cracking a egg into the pan. His muscular arms becoming my favourite thing about him. "What are you making" I can guess what he is making I just want him to know I'm here.  He tensed quickly surprised by my presence "Bacon and eggs on toast, but I can make you something different if you would like" he said in a polite tone but his strong voice coming through.

He seems on edge like something is bothering him but I don't want to push it by asking. "Sounds good" I smiled at him, he returned the gesture with a warm small smile. My stomach exploded into butterflies he has a truly beautiful smile. My butterflies were quickly replaced with nerves as kade walked into the room. He had a stern look across his face, it scared me I didn't know what he was going to do to me.

"Get this fucking shit off my phone" he threw the phone on the counter. My eyes started to well with tears as he stormed out, it was just supposed to be a joke. "He is just mad about last night he can get very possessive over what's his" Ryle said with sympathy laced in his voice. Before I could protest about not belonging to anyone I was pulled into a tight hug. My head rested on his chest as his arms wrapped around my shoulders.

Tears started to flow down my face, this is the first proper hug I have had in a long time. Ryle's arms moved from my shoulders to my waist, he lifted me up and placed me onto the counter. He lightly put his hand on my knee moving my leg far enough to make room for his waist to sit in between my legs. He slowly raised his hand to my cheek and used the pad of his thumb to wipe my tears away. I want to stay in this moment forever.

"We have not yet decided what to do about you trying to escape but there will be consequences. But for the time being you will sleep with Liam or I, nights you wish to sleep alone you can sleep in Kades room with the lock on the door" Ryle answered the question I was to afraid to ask. That's better than I expected. Ryle raised his hand to my cheek again cupping it, looking into my eyes. "I know this must be scary but no matter how much kade threatens you or if we intimidate you. We would never and I mean never hurt you, unless you want us to" he added with a slight smirk.

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