Chapter 8

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I close my door and sit on the end of my bed. This is the perfect opportunity to leave with Liam and Ryle gone for the night that leaves me with a better chance to escape. But a still have to sneak past kade and security, although I guess I'm not sneaking im smashing the window then running.

It's 8 o clock, I have never been good at staying awake late and I can't imagine kade goes to bed early so I guess it's now or never. I get the lamp from my desk lining it up with the window. With every bit of strength I have I smash the lamp into the glass making a loud smashing sound. I use the end of the lamp to break more glass to make a big enough hole to get out. I stick my leg out the window and then the other I used my arms to push my self out slicing my arm Ali my a shard of glass. As my feet hit the ground pain shot through my legs. I looked down at my arm blood spilling out dripping in a big pool on the grass. I run as fast as my legs can carry one hand gripping my arm as hard as I can to help stop the bleeding.

I can hear guns loading and people yelling. My chest is tightening , it feels like my ribs are trying to suffocate my lungs. I keep running there are just trees for miles, my legs are getting numb the cold night air making my nose red. I can hear feet getting closer I turn my head back to see three massive guys running after me. They are getting closer and closer until. A strong force crash's into my side plummeting me to the ground. A sharp pain explodes from my side going through my body.

I look up to see a man I have never seen before he has long black hair and piercings covering his face. Before I could yell at him to get off a tattooed covered fist meets his face knocking him off me and to the ground. My vision is blurry I feel like I'm gonna black out I can feel two hands around my waist gripping me strongly and lifting me into his arms. Kade.

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