Chapter 12

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She started to tear up as I walked away. I feel a bit bad, the photos were cute. She is everywhere and it annoys the fuck out of me. I should have never let her sleep in my room. Her scent is all over my sheets, it's on my clothes it's everywhere. I walk up to my room and take all my clothes out of my drawers and chuck them across the room. I'm washing everything I need to get her away from me.

Ryle should be thanking me through he got the opportunity to comfort her and hold her in his arms. He's fucking lucky, if I go near her I'll fuck it all up. Ryle and Liam have it so easy they say the right thing and they know how to handle things. I have never been scared of anything but for some reasons I'm scared I will break her.

After I finish putting everything in the wash. I head out to one of our balcony and pull a cigarette packet out of my back pocket. I light the cigarette and put it been my lips. I inhale the smoke deep into my lungs and look out into our massive property. I watch the dark clouds start to drizzle down with rain. I walk under the shelter and just sit there for a while.

It's been about an hour since I came out here. Sometimes I just sit out here and watch the day go by. I used to do this with my mum we go do all different spots and just sit there not talking just sitting there. We did everything together she taught me how to cook but ever since she died I haven't been doing any cooking it just reminds me of her. I begin to walk back inside, i suppose I better apologise to Bree. I really didn't mean to make her cry I'm just mad at myself for not killing her already. I don't know what it is about her but if it was anybody else sleeping I'm house in my bed than they would be dead by know. She is doing something to me something that I know the feeling of. It can't be love. I loved my mum, and this was different I don't understand how but it is.

I walk into the lounge room, to see Bree asleep cuddling with Ryle .They are laying long ways on the couch Bree is half on Ryle half off on the couch with her head on his chest. She looks beautiful, seeing her snuggled up to him doesn't make me feel angry in the way that other people would get mad about. Even though that's my girl snuggled up to him it brings me comfort to know that she is safe in his arms and would be in Liam's to.

I want to say I'm sorry but she looks to comfortable to wake her. I'm sure Ryle would beat my ass if I even mentioned the idea of her not being in his arms. Harry Potter is playing on the tv, Liam loves those movies, I don't know why he isn't watching them with those 2. As I'm about to ask Ryle where he is, he walks in. He has a huge black eye and a busted lip. If Bree sees this she will freak and ask what they were doing last night. She will asks questions eventually but today is not the day, it's to soon. She isn't comfortable with us yet , she needs to be. Because right now she is still scared of us, and if she is scared of us now then all hell with break loose if we tell her what we do.

Liam goes and sits down on the lounge watching the movie with the others. I walk over and sit next to him , I don't think any of us are watching the movie.

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