Cha & Proud ch-2

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“Say it right here. It's going to be difficult if I have to send my friend first then come out and talk to you," Proud retorted. Cha shrugged slightly before looking around.

“Here, the sound is loud. Can you walk a little over there?” Cha nodded towards the parking lot on the other side which was rarely crowded. But it's not at all scary because it was illuminated and there was a security guard nearby. Proud turned to look at Tom who was lying in the car. He lowered the glass then closed the car door and locked it first because he would only talk to Cha for a moment.

"Let's go," said Proud, before Cha led the way to where he had suggested. Cha walked to his car and leaned against it while looking at Proud who came to a standstill, from head to toe, checking him out.

"Were you never taught at home that looking at people like that is rude?" Proud said a little annoyed. He admits that Cha is a good-looking person and pretty much meets all the specifications. Proud had been secretly looking at Cha since his school days. But he knew how high-profile and prominent Cha and Ken were which he does not like. So he never thought of approaching him.

"Were you never taught at home how to talk to Seniors?" Cha asked in a deep voice. Proud bites his lip slightly.

“If you have something to say, just say it. Ok. Do you know where my friend is? " Proud inquired again about his friend because he worried about him.

“What do you have in exchange for me?” he asked back.

“What kind of exchange? Be direct with me. I have to send my friend home," Proud asked impatiently.

“How can I tell you so easily without getting anything in return?” Cha continued to bargain while looking at Proud with dazzling eyes until Proud felt goosebumps all over his body. But still, he stood with his head held high to cover up his feelings.

“What will you take? Money?” Proud asked. Cha laughed lightly swaying his head back and forth slowly.

“Money? That I have plenty to spend,” Cha said in a mocking tone. This made Proud quite annoyed by the other party.

“That's right, I forgot. You guys are rich kids. Your house has a good position as well. Your money continues to live like the grassroots. It won't die,” Proud said sarcastically making Cha a bit still because he felt strangely stuck with Proud's words.

“If you don't want money so what do you want?” Proud asked trying to ignore Cha's bragging. He hates these types of people the most. Cha narrowed his eyes slightly before lifting a smile from the corner of his mouth as he realized something. Something he would like to try once.

“Kiss me, and I'll tell you,” said Cha, pointing to his lips.

"Kiss you? Are you crazy? Wait! Are you gay?" Proud said suddenly because as far as he remembered Cha is not gay. And although Cha visited a gay bar, Proud knew it was only out of curiosity.

“No, I'm not gay. No! I don't know if l am or not. That's why I want to try and want you to kiss me. I will know it for sure," Cha said with a deadpan expression. He just wanted to know if Proud would dare to do it or not. And one more thing he would like to try as well. He wants to know if kissing a guy is different from kissing a girl.

“You are crazy. Why should I kiss you?" Proud said, his face burning hot. During his school days, Proud had heard of girls who had slept with Ken and Cha. They talked about these two being good in bed and kissing. That made Proud secretly think about what it would be like. And now, all of a sudden, Cha was asking Proud to kiss him. That made the old stories from his school days come back to his memory again.

“I didn't force anything here. I didn't even think of using force on you. I will let you decide. If you want to know about your friend, do as I tell you. But if you don't want to know, you can go back," Having finished speaking, Cha gestured his hand to show the path he had walked so that Proud could walk back. Proud gritted his teeth slightly. He in fact doesn't care about kissing anyone because he has been through this kind of thing quite a bit. But when the person in front of him is Cha, it made Proud feel strange in his heart.

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