Part Fifty Two, Let's get it started in here

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You were carefully carried out of your room and across the hall where you could hear muffled talking.

You look up at Kirishima, taking in his face from this angle. The last time he carried you like this, you were dying in his arms...

He wasn't bad looking. At all. Sharp edges to his face that made him either dangerous or drop dead handsome with little wiggle room in between.

Yes, he had done some disgusting things to you, but he'd saved your life... All of them had in some strange way.

Kirishima pushed the door he reached with his elbow, somehow managing to turn the handle hands-free and almost instantly the slurred words of Kaminari met your ears.

Both Kaminari and Sero sat on the floor, cards in hand and several empty bottles scattered around them.

You had to bite back a smile at seeing Sero, noticing that they looked... Happy?

"There she is! Hi Princess!"

Kaminari waved, a beaming grin on his drunken face and lying on the floor with her head resting on his knee was the purple haired girl from earlier. Jiro.

She was on a laptop, busy typing away and completely ignoring you and Kiri as the red head puts you down in the now circle of people, cards getting gathered and reshuffled as Sero passes him a beer as you stare at Jiro with a slight pout wondering what was wrong with her.

Was she always like this? No one seemed to be reacting to her behaviour. She didn't even acknowledge Kirishima, so maybe it wasn't just you...

You turn your attention from Jiro to Sero, feeling his gaze on you and he smiles as you make eyecontact. His cheeks are a little pink and judging by the nearly empty bottle of some clear alcohol at his side, you assumed he was as drunk as Kaminari.

They were in mourning.

They lost their home today... And although you felt no attachment to that prison, you felt sad for them, a kind of anger wiggling inside you.

If it was your home Dabi torched, you'd have gotten drunk beyond belief too, simply thankful to be left alive.

You were over your own personal mourning for what Dabi had taken from you. Over your mourning and self pity at what these boys had taken from you, too.

All that was left deep down was a restlessness and maybe some rage, but you were finished with grieving for your old life.

You had to move on already...

...Easier said than done.

Some vodka was poured into a fresh plastic cup along with a kind of cola before being handed to you and you take it, raising your brows. Were you allowed...?

"We got some catching up to do." Kirishima smiles, lifting the whole bottle of vodka to his lips to take a deep swig straight from the bottle before going back to his beer.

You took a sip of your mixed drink, barely able to taste the alcohol over the pleasant and definitely missed taste of something sweet and fizzy. Jeez, how long has it been since you drank any kind of fizzy drink...?

You scoffed slightly with a smile, deciding to just be thankful as you nursed your drink, Kirishima taking gulps at a time from his beer and settling near you, giving you a fair amount of space to yourself.

"How's your bruises?" Sero asks, pointing at your thighs, covered by a pair of sweatpants lovingly supplied by Mina.

"They're okay. A little tender but I'm fine." You take a gulp of your drink, tasting a little more of the vodka this time.

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