Part Thirty Three, Hope

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You'd barely heard Bakugos shouts, your ears ringing as you held on tight to Sero.

Your quirk... Your quirk had just caused a wave of... What? Vibration?

It was how your healing worked but how could it just suddenly become a wave of power?

Seismic acoustic energy?

It had been loud enough for Bakugo to hear, hence why he was screaming and yelling, hands furiously moving as he approached the bed and reached for you, his hand wrapping around your bicep and yanking you from Seros safe hold.

You were drug into the hallway where a startled Kaminari and Kirishima watched on, having heard a loud boom radiate through the house not long ago that sounded nothing like Bakugos explosions.

You were stiff as you were dragged down the hall, eyes wide and unfocused as your mind swam with panic and... joy.

Your quirk could do damage. It could be offensive.

If you could learn to harness it then maybe you had a chance. If only you could remember how to activate it. How you felt when you managed to command that much power. It had been a complete accident but...


A hand harshly squeezed at your face and your eyes refocused onto a pair of red furious ones.

You were sat on a chair, wrists strapped to the arms and something heavy around your neck that you recognised... You'd worn something similar for months while Dabi waited out your burn to heal naturally.

A quirk collar.

They were scared of you. At the very least cautious of you.

"Been keeping secrets?" He sneered when he knew you had come back to the present, letting go of your face.



You winced at his volume, pressing yourself back into the chair.

"When were you planning on using your quirk against us, huh? Pretending you were some support extra when you were really just biding your time?! Bet you wanted to get taken. Bet Dabi was getting careless on purpose just to get you in our walls. Fuck. Why shouldn't I just kill you right now and end this little charade of yours?"

Your jaw dropped at his words. Surely he didn't actually think that?! Why on earth would you have waited so long? Endured so much if you could have just attacked them by now with your quirk?!

But your eyes caught the stares of Kaminari and Kirishima who stood in the corners behind Bakugo... Kaminari looked betrayed. Long gone was the pitiful look on his face for you, replaced by growing anger and mistrust.

Kirishima on the other hand looked ecstatic. Joyful. His grin was wide, showing off every single pointed tooth with sick glee.


"You can't seriously think I hid it all this time...?"

"Kaminari." Bakugo ignored your protest, glancing over his shoulder to the other blonde who nodded and wordlessly moved to stand behind you, a hand resting on your shoulder.

"Now I want the truth. Every fucking word. And if you dare fucking lie to me..." His eyes flick up to Kaminari and your body lights up in pain, electricity shooting through every nerve as you scream widlly, thrashing and spasming agasint the chair.

"I'm not lying!" You howl when you can finally breathe, only to be met by another wave of pain.

"Please! I didn't know! I didn't know I could do that! Kaminari, please, you said your quirk went haywire when you smoked! It might have set my-" you cut off with another wail.

"Don't." Kaminari snaps when he eases up, sounding on the verge of crying.

"I swear to you... I didn't know I could do that. I don't even know exactly what I did..." You pant, focusing your glare on Bakugo. It wasn't Kaminaris fault, not if he really thought you had lied...

It wasn't him you had to convince.

Bakugos palm raised, aimed at your face and you went wide eyed, gulping back your fear.

"What else can you do, huh? Your quirk seems to do a lot of things you thought it couldn't... I think you've been lying from the start, little mouse."

You feel the heat start to radiate off his palm, screwing your eyes shut as you wait for the blast to come... But it doesn't.

You peak open an eye as he sighs, looking over to Kirishima.

"Get eyebags. We needed him anyway, one day earlier isn't gonna kill him."


You look between them, waiting.

What would they do to you now? Who was Eyebags? Would they hurt you too?

Kirishima raises a brow before nodding, looking at you with a slight smirk.

"Don't look so scared, baby. You'll like him. And he'll definitely love you."

You shivered in disgust before you felt a cold prick in your neck, the chill seeping through your blood stream as your eyes grow heavy.

"Have a nice nap, sweetheart."



"That's her?"


"Huh... Not what I imagined. You've kept your hands to yourselves it seems..."

Two voices come into focus as the sleeping drug wears off, one you recognise as Kirishima and the other a tired sounding voice you didn't know.

"It's her quirk. Part of it anyway. She can heal." Bakugo.

"Interesting..." The new voice hums, foot steps echoing closer.

You hadn't been moved since you'd been knocked out, still strapped to a chair with your wrists and neck aching.

The quirk collar was still tight around your neck, already chaffing.

You kept your eyes shut, suppressing the urge to roll your shoulders and get some blood moving back into your hands and feet that were numb. They kept talking, unaware you were awake.

"So she's one of Dabis? Seems like his type. She's cute." The new voice almost chuckles, standing so close to you now.

"Oh, heard about Masari, man... Sorry." He didn't sound sorry at all, earning a warning growl from Bakugo.

"Keep her name out of your fucking mouth."

"Alright alright, calm down. Now... Wake up little kitty..." You feel a finger tuck under your chin and lift it, righting your head and you winced from the discomfort of your neck.

Too late to pretend you were still asleep now...

Your eyes met lazy lilac ones and a mess of purple hair. The man's mouth was covered by a black fabric medical mask and you could only assume this was 'eyebags' from the deep dark circles under his eyes.

You could see from the way his cheeks rose that we was smirking.

"Good girl. Now, I'm gonna ask you some questions and you're gonna answer, understood?"

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