Part nineteen, Beast to Beast

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This wasn't happening. It couldn't be happening.

No way was his disgusting mouth on yours, his tongue trying to urge your lips apart and no fucking way was he trying to pull you closer.





Your lips parted slightly in shock and you heard him make a noise of amusement before his tongue invaded your mouth, his grip loosening on you...

...right before you snapped your teeth closed on him.

Iron immediately flooded your taste buds and he wrenched away from you, hand over his mouth and a lot of red dripping from his lips.

There was way more than you thought there'd be.

You caught him good and he was furious.

You spit the blood pooled in your mouth at him, throwing the rest of your caution to the wind before twisting for the door behind you.

You threw it open as he lurched for you and darted out, sprinting for your life and not caring that your dress had long been abandoned on Bakugos bedroom floor.

You just had to run. You didn't want to know what would happen if he caught you now and although you knew there was nowhere to hide, your instincts were driving you to run until you simply couldn't any more. Fight or flight and you had no weapons in your arsenal tough enough to fight a man twice your weight and almost twice your height.

You kept your balance surprisingly well above your Stiletto heels, adrenaline keeping you going when you wobbled painfully over your ankle once or twice, forcing your legs to keep moving.

"Get the fuck BACK HERE!" You heard Bakugo roar down the hall behind you, explosions sounding loudly as he crashed after you, the sound of destruction and wood splintering only urging to you run faster.

At least you didn't bite off his tongue. You'd definitely be dead for that... Although you don't think the punishment awaiting you would be much better. Fuck. What had you done? Where could you even go? Running was only making things worse, right?

You turn a sharp corner, your breathing ragged and your back burning, no doubt bleeding from all the movement... But as soon as you looked over your shoulder to see where Bakugo was, your feet tangled, sending you tumbling blindly forward and into something solid.

Warm arms wrapped around your torso, stopping you from falling completely, pulling you into a strong chest. At first you lifted your gaze with hope that Sero had heard the commotion and had come to save you!

But when bemused yellow eyes stared down at you, you felt your stomach drop, hope fading as quickly as it had come.

Definitely not Sero...

"Uhhh, you alright boss?" Kaminari asks as his attention was drawn up and behind you, an arm still looped around you to keep you upright.

You weren't making it easy for him though, you were fighting against him to flee while trying to cover yourself as best as you could given the circumstances.

A furious Bakugo came marching towards the two of you and you flinched, cowering into Kaminari as you saw his teeth flash, his own blood coating them in a way that made him look like a demon.

Maybe he was. Maybe they all were and you were literally in hell. From the moment you met Dabi, that's what life had been anyway...

Regardless, you'd done it now. Now, you were in real damn trouble, clinging to a monster to cower from a much much worse beast.

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