Part Forty, Snap

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"You have to stay still kitten." Shinso sighs, fingers coated in a creamy balm while you laid involuntarily across Kirishimas legs, arms held behind your back to keep you pinned and bent over.

"Hurts..." You whine into his thigh, thoroughly exhausted and not wanting your sore spots touched, let alone smothered in cold tingling ointment right now.

Your ass had bled onto Kirishimas legs over dinner and it had deeply alarmed the purple haired man who deemed it necessary to get you seen to straight away, mumbling something about his hard work going to waste as he went to get an unlabeled tub of something that turned out to be some aloe and quirk infused serum. Whatever it was BURNED. Like a minty kind of burn, and you'd almost screamed the place down before earning a slap to the ass and gotten yourself restrained over Kirishimas knees.

"The sooner you stop squirming and let me get on with it, the sooner it's over..." His fingers brush your swollen back entrance and you buck away, trying to curl up in a ball.

"Just let me heal myself- AHK!" You yelp as a large hand smacks down on your ass cheek once again, snapping you wide awake.

"You know that's against the rules. So shut up and lay still or I'll keep that mouth of yours busy."

Oh hell no. You were way too tired to even start anything like that again... You just wanted some sleep dammit...

So your body goes limp on Kirishimas knees. The man rubs your ass where his hand left a big red imprint in some attempt to soothe the throbbing heated skin he'd just caused..

Cold fingers swipe and rub around your ass hole and although you hiss and whimper, you try your hardest not to squirm, earning gentle praises from Shinso as he takes his time, checking you thoroughly for any extreme damage while he was down there.

It felt like you were in some perverse doctors office having a rectal exam. The only thing missing was the paper gown.
"I don't think you've torn too badly. Just a few small fissures. No anal for a while until that heals up." He taps your thigh before he stands up and leaves to wash his hands.

"We'll see." Kirishima mutters under his breath as he lets your arms go and you resist the urge to growl at him.

We'll see?! He fucking tore you open and he'll 'see' whether or not he'll go near that hole again any time soon?!

Your fists balled up as you flexed them, now free from his grip, but you didn't dare to move off of his lap until he started to stand, pushing you to your feet.

"What time you leaving in the morning Shinso?" He asks, stretching his arms above his head until a few pops went off along his spine and completely turning away from you.

"Early. I'll probably catch a few hours on the couch before needing to head off to the ferry. Why, you gonna miss me?" He teased and Kirishima laughed, throwing his shirt off to start stripping down to his boxers for bed, as if there wasn't an audience.

"Nah. You know that Denki does, though. Maybe you should pay him a visit before you head back off to Daddy?" He smirks through the word 'Daddy' as if it's an insult but Shinso doesn't really react to it, simply leaning against the door frame to the bedroom on his way out, shrugging.

"He knows where I am. He can come see me if he misses me."

"Yeah yeah, he knows that... But Bakugo doesn't let us leave without mission orders lately. Not since..." He trails off and Shinso gives a sad nod.

"Yeah. Condolences, man." His eyes flick to you for a moment, a strange look flashing in them before he pushes off the door and heads back to the living room where his pillow was resting on the pull out sofa.

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