Part four, Potential Friends in High Places

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Since the eye incident, you'd pretty much been left alone for the past few days.

The chains were loosened, but still tightly affixed to your wrists so you could still walk around or lay down whenever you wanted now.

You'd hoped they had lost interest in you, but on the third day, you had your first visitor...

You were lying on the ground, looking up and counting each crack in the concrete ceiling above for the hundreth time when you heard the sound of a key turning in the lock of your door.

Lifting your head, your eyes picked up the shape of a male before he stepped into the room, his black hair and black eyes narrowed down at you in confusion.

"I almost forgot about you..." You said quietly, regarding Sero for a moment before returning to your counting.

If he wanted to hurt you then he was welcome to get it over and done with. If he wanted something else then he was gonna have a tough time, you were ready to claw out an eye in vengeance for what Kaminari did to you, even though you didn't have much strength left.

You hadn't really eaten much over the last few days, mostly water from the sink you could just about reach in the basement and whatever scraps on a plate you would wake up to in the middle of the floor. So you weren't quite able to put up as much of a fight as before if this man wanted to go there.

Then again, you reeked. Maybe it would help keep him at bay...

"Hey there, Señorita. Still alive?"

"Regrettably..." You mumbled and he laughed.

"We feel the same. Well, kinda. The plans shifted a bit I guess. As long as you've got a pulse then that's all the boss cares about."

You turned your head away as he stepped inside and sparked his lighter to light his ever present joint in his lips.

"So you're just down here to check a pulse?"

"Considering you're talking away, I'd say that pulse is just fine. You're not an easy one to break are you?"

"Nope. Can I have a shower?"

"Tch, really?" He rolled his eyes, taking a deep inhale, exhaling slowly over his shoulder.

"You do get what's going on here right?"

"Come on, please? You're the most human one here, I thought I should at least ask."

"Human?" He scoffed.

"Well yeah, you're the only one who hasn't laid a hand on me or seemed too enthusiastic about seeing me in pain. So yeah, human."

"Do you even realise what your boyfriend's done? How inhuman he is? Nah, bet you didn't care, all curled up by his side, licking his wounds and cleaning the blood off his hands when he came home from doing his 'humane' work..."

Your lowered your eyes.

"I didn't get a choice, you know."

He inhales and exhaled again, shifting his position against the wall and sighing.

"Yeah I know. Doesn't change anything though Señorita."

"Why do you call me that?" You asked softly, trying to change the subject.

A soft smile formed on his face as he shrugged.

"Just how you say 'miss' where I'm from."

"You're from Spain?"

He laughed.

"Nah, born and bred in Tokyo. I guess I had a Spanish Mafia family though. My father was one of their members."

He glanced back at you and sighed again, a flash of pity in his face.

"Don't worry about it I guess...Wanna hit?" He extended his hand, the butt of the joint facing you.

Usually you'd decline, but the thought of brief escape from reality was too tempting.

"Sure..." You stood up, the long chain rattling as you approached Sero and reached out your hands.

"Nice and slow, no quick moves, okay?"

You nodded and he shifted to reach your hands, letting the joint exchange fingers.

Slowly, you brought it to your lips and inhaled deeply before lurching and coughing, making Sero chuckle as he held his hand back out to retrieve it.

"Takes a bit of getting used to. It's not for everyone... Hm?"
He raised a brow as you brought it back to your lips with a determined look, taking a lighter drag and exhaling with only a slight tickle in your chest.

"You pick up quick." He muses, watching you take a third and final deep drag before passing it back and exhaling.


"Though I suppose you're used to smoke?" He teased, taking a hit and passing it back to you to take another deep toke.

You looked away as you let out a puff of smoke and held out your hand to give it back. Did he have to keep dragging that up? Wasn't all this punishment enough?

"What did... Dabi try to take from you guys? Make me understand."

Sero paused, looking a little uncomfortable at the thought, piquing your own interest even more. Was it that unspeakable? Or was he just not allowed to tell you?

As he was about to open his mouth, the sound of a door bursting open on an upper floor made him almost drop his joint as he jumped.

It was followed by the sound of aggravated voices and hysteria that made Sero swallow thickly and throw the butt to the ground, stomping it out.

"Sorry Señorita, best not to dwell on it. I gotta go."  And with that, he left the room, closing and locking it behind him before disappearing upstairs.

You groaned and made your way back to the spot you were lying in before, sitting down with your eyes closed, enjoying the light buzz from the weed.

It was one of the few pleasures left in your life now, even if it was one you adamantly avoided before...

Unless Dabi thought you were still alive and actually cared about you, it wasn't likely you were going to be saved. You'd die in this cell eventually... When they were done with you.

"Shhh..." You cooed to yourself, curling your knees to your chin and trying to close off those thoughts.

Above, you could hear fast speaking and shouting along with heavy footsteps and a glimmer of hope flashed within you. They sounded panicked... Hurt... Maybe Dabi had come for you after all?

No, you couldn't hope. Not here. Don't get your hopes up...

The arguing continued for a while, loud enough that you curled up on your side with your hands over your ears to block it out and enjoy your temporary high.

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