Part Twenty, it's about to get steamy... part 1

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It was late morning by the time you first began to stir, and piece by piece the previous day came back to you, especially when you shifted and the three giant welts across your back pulsed in agony.

You curled in on yourself, hissing and palms almost starting to glow, but you knew better than to heal yourself right now.

Bakugo had been surprisingly lenient with you after the whipping and you could only assume that meant that worse things were on the horizon for you. Healing your back would only be a slap in the face to him.

Wearing your new marks untouched might earn some brownie points and lessen your next punishment...

You went to sit up, suddenly remembering that you were in Kaminaris bed, but he was nowhere to be seen... His side of the bed was long cold and made up. You hadn't even felt him leave.

Slowly, you got out of bed, making your side as well as you could before heading for a wardrobe. Maybe he had some sweat pants you could borrow?

Blood had pretty much fused the t-shirt to your back, so changing that without soaking in some water first wasn't going to happen, but you wanted to cover your legs. A small comfort and false protection, but you wanted it anyway.

You smiled as a pair of sweatpants revealed themselves to you almost instantly, a little too big, but they had a draw string and if you pulled it enough it stayed on your hips.

With the cuffs rolled up, you could walk around with no problems, although your feet throbbed from their sprint in ridiculous shoes... you wondered if that was planned at all. Maybe they knew you'd slip up. Did they know you'd recognise Izuku and break the rules?

You shook your head of it: of the night, of Izuku and of those damn heels.

Within a few minutes you were 'dressed' and now all that was left to do was leave the room and figure out what you were supposed to do. Or should you stay in here and wait? Surely at least Kaminari and Bakugo knew you were in here... Kirishima and Sero would too right?

A wave of guilt crashed over you at the thought of your dark haired captor. What would he think about you spending the night in here? Would he think you and Kaminari had been intimate, just as everyone assumed you and Sero had been for innocently sharing a bed?

And... would he even look at you after everything that happened last night? He'd been responsible for you and you hadn't seen him since he had performed Bakugos punishment on you. You hoped he'd been left alone.

Your whirlpool of thoughts abruptly ended as the door handle turned, pushing open to a large figure of red.


Not the last of the four that you'd hoped to see... But definitely not one of the first.

A cautious look crossed his face before he smiled, looking down at the modified sweatpants with amusement.

"Hey baby. Already dressed for the day huh? How you feeling sweetheart?" His big toothy grin did nothing to make you feel that he was being friendly... It felt far too saccharine. As he stepped in, you stepped back on instinct, seeming to make Kirishima stall slightly, a glimmer of something dark in his eye. Something playful.

Why was he in Kaminaris room? Why wasn't the blonde coming to check on you? What happened to him? Was Bakugo punishing him for protecting you last night-?

The red head loudly sighed, taking your attention away from yet another spiral of thoughts and putting you back on your guard. The glimmer in his eye was gone, but it didn't take away the growing unease.

Out of the four of them, he was right up there with Bakugo for trust.

He had been the only one to push boundaries since you'd been let out of the cell. He was too friendly. Not to mention he had nearly screwwed you on his desk if Bakugo hadn't stormed in.

This was the first time you were alone with him again. In a bedroom. With the only exit barred by his large frame.

Was this your punishment? Would he try to touch you again like he had in his office? Would anyone come and stop him?

When you didn't answer him, he tilted his head, a small frown on his face at your growing panic.

"You don't look so good there sweetheart... Why don't I take you to the bathroom? Your back needs cleaning and dressing." He took a step closer, reaching out his hands and you visibly tensed. 

When you stepped back, he simply followed until your back was against the wall. He seemed unphased as he wrapped his arms under your legs and back, being somewhat careful as he scooped you up against your will.

You hissed as his arm rubbed at the sore welts, but he didn't seem to hear you. Or rather, ignored you.

"Where's Kaminari?" You asked, panic rising in you as he began to carry you from the room, taking you back across the house towards Bakugos wing.

Was he taking you to your punishment?

To Bakugo?

You squirmed, the need to get away over ruling your current survival skills in the arms of the largest and likely deadliest member of the gang.

But he simply looked down at you with a warm smile.

"He's in a meeting. Don't you worry about him."

Yeah right a 'meeting'... Just like the meeting Sero had with Bakugo yesterday?

You bit your tongue to prevent any sarcasm from rolling out of your mouth. You were in deep shit enough as it was...

You passed by Bakugos door and Kirishima laughed as your struggling relaxed.

"Calm down, sweetheart. We aren't going to see the Boss. Not until you're all cleaned up and pretty. Not that you aren't already..." His smile flashes again and you feel sick, squirming a little in his arms again and rubbing the wounds on your back by accident, pulling yet another pained hiss from you.

Again, he ignored your discomfort, pushing open a door with his foot, and you swallowed hard at what you saw inside.

It looked like a spa.

A real spa.

Not the kind you'd been to before, but a relaxing white room with hot coals pumping a comfortable steam across the large room.

In the centre, set into the floor with a few steps leading down into it, was a large round bath.

Although, it could almost definitely be mistaken for a swimming pool... How on earth was this able to be built on the second floor?!

"Welcome to the master bathroom." Kirishima chuckled, taking two large steps inside before pushing the door closed with his shoulder.

It was all so open. So beautiful.

You almost forgot about the man holding you until he began to walk you over to a large basin with a counter top full of fresh coals burning on one side of the basin and a clear counter with fluffy towels all rolled up on the other.

"Let's soak that fabric off your back so we can take a good look. Can't be comfy with it glued to you like that, baby."

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