Part thirteen, He wasn't always like that

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Bakugo sneered as he heard running from upstairs, quickly followed by a door slamming.

The house had definitely gotten noisier since your arrival...

Beside him, Kirishima chuckled as he chopped up some ingredients for dinner, having heard the commotion himself.

"She seems to be coming more alive every hour."

Bakugos red eyes narrowed on his closest friend, his confidant, his right hand man.

"Is that a good thing?"

Kirishima shrugged, not meeting his Boss' eyes, knowing he was still angry at him from his stunt in his office earlier with you.

But damn, Kirishima had gotten so close to doing the one thing all four of them wanted to do since the moment you arrived... He didn't feel guilty, just cheated out of a good time...

As he slid the chopped herbs into a boiling pot he chanced a look at Bakugo, seeing the boss glaring angrily at the ceiling, shrugging once more as he replied.

"I never said it was a good or bad thing. Just making an observation."

A 'tch' left Bakugos lips as he pushed himself away from the counter and rounded on Kiri to face him properly.

"I'm only gonna say this once. So listen carefully."

Kirishima paused and looked up, a slight hint of confusion on his face at the sudden temper from his boss.

"I don't give a fuck if she's innocent or not. She's not having a fun ride here. This isn't her safe house. And we are sure as fuck not all going to be one big happy family. She's still a prisoner."


You squeaked as a hand grabbed the door just as it was about to shut, the wicked grin of Kaminari coming into view as he pushed it open and stepped inside, slamming it behind him.

Your heart was hammering from the mad sprint you had just performed to try and get to the room untouched, but as Kaminari made his way slowly to you, you knew it had been futile.

"Come on baby, everyone else had some alone time with you, it's not fair."

You flinched, backing up until your legs hit the bed.

"What's wrong? Did you act like this for Sero? For Kirishima?" He teased and you looked down at your feet before taking an inhale and glaring back up at him.

He was one of the ones you were most scared of. That electric quirk was nothing to laugh at...

But you wouldn't go down easy.

Your glare seemed to amuse him as he chuckled.

"What? Don't act like you've got principals now after fucking two of my buddies-"

"I didn't."

He raised a brow as he stopped walking towards you, a meter away as he tilted his head.

"You didn't what?"

"I didn't fuck them. Sero was a gentleman and only carried me and Kirishima molested me but I didn't fuck them."

He winced at the word 'molested' and bit the inside of his cheek.

Maybe he had you all wrong?

"But you woke up in Seros bed?" He pushed and you crossed your arms, furious with his accusation.

"I passed out in the shower and woke up there. But he did nothing to me. Your other 'buddy' however..." You felt your words taste bitter and stopped, seeing Kaminaris expression soften.

"I see..." He stepped over and sat down on the edge of the bed, inviting you to do the same, which you did reluctantly after some hesitation.

"Yanno... Kirishima used to be the most chivalrous of us all, telling us off if we weren't being 'manly' and treating our guests with respect." You felt yourself scoff out loud before you could hold it back and froze up until Kaminari scoffed too and nodded.

"I know right? Doesn't seem like the same guy. One day on a mission he just... Snapped. No more Mr Nice Guy. Being 'manly' meant taking what you wanted and being brave enough to do it."

You swallowed the lump in your throat and relaxed a little as he laid back on the bed, tucking his hands behind his head in a passive pose, showing he was no immediate threat before he continued,

"I don't know what happened out there but he was never the same. He didn't...hurt you? Did he?" He asked slowly and you looked down at him, seeing a flash of concern before you looked back to your knees and shook your head.

"No. The only one who hurt me was you..." You said softly, feeling a ghost pain in your eye- the same one that Kaminari had gleefully plunged a knife through. Although Kirishima had broken one of your fingers it seemed far less evil than wriggling a blade through someone's eyesocket. At least Kirishima said he didn't want to do it, Kaminari had taken pleasure in the torture...

You saw the electric blonde sigh as he rolled up to sit up next to you, a gentle hand resting on your shoulder.

"Don't forget who you were at that point in time for us. Hell, don't forget who you are now to us- our prisoner."

He was right... You may no longer be a monster to them, but you were still Dabis property that they wanted to destroy.

The biggest question in your mind was why they were being so kind right now?

If it was to put you at ease, then their actions were doing the opposite. You were waiting for their next mood swing...

"Anyway sweetheart, you need to get dressed for tonight. Some very important people are coming to see how well we've trained our new pet."

Ah, there it was...

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