Part fifteen, Izuku

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You felt Sero tense beside you, but you didn't care. Izuku was here... Why?

The green haired male gave a soft friendly smile, standing up to approach you, taking in your appearance with a slow moving gaze.

"Long time, no see." He muses before looking over his shoulder to Bakugo, a sly grin showing under his usually sweet smile, gauging the blondes reaction.

"You know her?" Bakugo snips, sounding almost bored... But the bopping of his knee under the table catches your eye. Was he annoyed or nervous? Of Izuku?

"She and I go back a ways. We shared a mutual friend."

His smile settled on you knowingly and you felt a chill creep up your spine...

You look away to the ground again, trying not to let your face give anything away as your chest squeezed. Glimpses of a life long ago with Izuku and your 'mutual friend' flashing behind your eyes, stinging them.

The memory of warm caring hands and sweet kisses wash over you for a fleeting moment, almost making you forget everything that's happened...

Did Izuku know where he was? Did he still speak to him?


Right now that wasn't the concern.

Why was Izuku here as guests for these monsters?

You took a steadying breath before looking up to the two other guests, not recognising Izukus new friends...

One was a short brunette, her sweet rounded face barely softening the intense look on her face that screamed danger... Beside her, an upright man with narrow glasses was staring down Kirishima, as if waiting for even the slightest show of things going sour...

The air only felt thicker in the room the more you studied the two strangers, feeling yourself step back slightly, bumping into Sero who wrapped an arm around your waist to steady you.

Izuku raised a curious brow at that, turning his attention to Sero with an odd look, almost amused as his eyes lingered on Seros face.

"That's quite a nasty looking bruise."

His eyes trail down towards you, his sweet grin spreading wide across his face as he saw how much you tensed.

"Hasn't she offered to help?"

What?! Izuku, why?!

If Bakugos group hadn't known about your quirk already, he'd have just thrown you into the deep end of trouble!

What was wrong with him? Who was this man now?! Why was he playing with you like this?

Didn't he want to be a hero? Why was he acting so cruel?

Bakugo huffed, rolling his eyes.

"Don't think you've got one up on me. I know all about her little healing abilities."

A glint of something flashed in Izukus eyes before he changed his stare towards Bakugo, smiling innocently, holding back a smirk.

"Is that right? All about it, hm?"

Bakugos eyes narrowed just a little, his jaw tensing.

The two stared, as if having a silent conversation before Izuku breaks the tension, throwing up his hands.

"Well, I'm hungry. Let's eat, shall we? I heard you cooked something delicious, Ejiro!"

Kirishima beamed, not bothered at all by the familiarity of using his first name nor the tension in the room, simply nodding as he excused himself to retrieve said dinner.

"Why don't you come sit with me?" Izuku said, seeming to loose the air of unease completely as he gestured for you to step towards him.

You looked up at Sero and Kaminari who were stood either side of you, as if seeking permission. Izuku chuckled.

"Come on now, you're a big girl. You can make your own decisions!"

He looped his arm between you and Sero, pulling you away from him and placing his hand on your back... right over the scar.

"Oh?" His hand jumped away from your skin before grabbing your upper arm and twisting you before you could object, feeling dread seep through your veins as you were turned towards Kaminari with wide eyes.

The electric blonde stared down at you coldly, his jaw tense as Izuku slowly grazed his fingers over the gnarly burn scar that covered your exposed back.

You couldn't shift your wide eyes away from that cold look as you felt warm fingers run up and down your spine, small appraising mutters coming from the green haired man before he stops, turning to Bakugo, his voice hard and sinister, making you gulp.

"You've not been treating your pet very nicely."

"It wasn't them!"

The room suddenly goes deadly silent and you slap your hand over your mouth all too late.

Why the hell did you do that?!

Why defend these monsters?!

Kaminari and Sero exchange a glance before looking to Bakugo, as if waiting for an order.

You can't help but let your eyes wander across the table to the Boss, your morbid curiousity getting the better of you. And you soon wished you hadn't.

There was an unreadable expression on his face at first, as if he was just as stunned as to were at your words.

But he seemed to quickly recover, raising his hand to lift a finger and crook it towards himself.

"Come here."

Hesitantly, your feet began to move, wobbling a little over your heels now that you didn't have Sero to help you.

You didn't have anyone to help you.

The walk across the room felt so soul crushingly lonely, knowing you were actively closing the distance between you and something that would hurt you... But a little voice in your head was saying that this was better than being disobedient right now...

You swallowed thickly as you came to a stop less than a meter to the side of Bakugos chair, your eyes glued to the floor.


You did.

The plush expensive carpet felt soothing on your knees and the release of pressure from the heels on your feel was welcomed... But now you were kneeling next to the most terrifying man in the room.

"Look at me."

That was a much harder task... As if your brain was screaming at you, your survival instincts starting to go crazy...

"Little mouse, don't make me repeat my god damn self." He growled ever so slightly, his patience running razor thin.

Sero had said he'd take responsibility for you... Did that still count? Would he get hurt again if you didn't do as you were told?

For his sake, and his sake alone, you met the burning red eyes of the man in charge.

His face held no emotion.

"You're gonna stay there. Like a good little pet. Aren't you?"

You swallowed back bile and the urge to scowl at him.

But you kept thinking of Sero.

He didn't deserve to get tangled up in your punishment.

So you nodded, looking down at your lap.

"Use your words, or I'll muzzle you so you can't talk."


"Yes what?"

You swallowed your pride, Dabis cruel smile flashing behind your eyes. He liked it when you called him-

"Yes, Sir."

How was Bakugo any different than Dabi? They both treated you as sub human... At least he hadn't burned you. Yet.

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