Part Twenty Nine, Looking for an Escape

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A/N: *Bit of age related context, (Y/N) is two years older than Class 1A would be, making her 18/19 in some brief parts of this chapter because I've also aged the class up by a year too!


At dinner Bakugo had stayed in his office, so it was just the three other men and yourself sat at the table. You kept waiting for him to walk in and shatter the odd peace that had settled.

You hoped not having him around would enable you to eat, but sitting across from one of the men who had raped you, and possibly would be again during your 'vacation' was enough to curb your appetite.

Which sucked considering you didn't want to be rude and not eat Seros cooking... You hadn't eaten much over the last few days either and it tempted you, but every time you'd go to take a bite, you'd catch Kirishima move in your periphial vision and feel bile move up your throat.

If any of them noticed your aversion to food, they didn't say anything about it.

Conversation was light and normal, just as it always seemed to be at the table when there wasn't any scary guests and your mind briefly settled on Deku and his acquaintances. Another small shiver disturbed your unhappy stomach.

He had looked far too happy to see you here.

He didn't even bat an eyelid when you were forced to kneel at Bakugos side for the whole meal.

Didn't the two of you used to be childhood friends? It was a damn long time ago, but still... What happened to him? He was so light and cheery and determined to become a hero even with no quirk.

The two of you even met up a few times into your late teen years for coffee once or twice while he was mentoring under an Agency with his friends- a stoic looking boy with a facial scar and a grumpy looking kid with black paint smudged across his eyes.

That was where you met Keigo for the first time as he left the building Deku was about to go in. He was dressed in gym gear, air pods stuck in his ears and a far off look on his face.

You'd fallen head over heels... literally.

Your eyes had been magnetised to him as you kept walking in the opposite direction and you landed face first, ass up into a large potted plant just outside the building.

And like the nice guy he was, he immediately came over to help you out with that perfect smile of his... And that was kinda it. You exchanged numbers and a few weeks later he called you asking you on a date, some super cute little cafe outside the main hub of the city... No matter how busy he was with work, he always made time for a weekly date night after that and eventually you started sleeping at his apartment more than just a few times a week...

You started to love him. His smell, his voice, his liquid gold eyes, the way his feathers would start to tickle you if you were looking a little pouty that day...

It just all fell apart when you started working full time at the hospital... When Dabi had locked his sensors on you.

The rest is unressolveable history.

Keigo didn't come rescue you. You never saw him again. That must have been a few years ago now... Time had started to mean nothing when you 'lived' with Dabi. No TV, no phones, no newspapers, no clocks... Time was irrelevant to your survival, so you let go of the concept. You slept when he slept, you ate when he ate.

What did you need a watch for?

"Hey, you finished?" A small nudge at your elbow brings you out of your head and you look up to see Kaminari reaching for your untouched plate of very cold food. Yeah, you were finished.

Sweet Preservation (Mafia MHA X Reader)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora