CH46: Red vs Blue

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Ludwig had gotten the notification a minute before it happened. His scroll vibrated. When he checked, it was a message from Blake. There was no text. All that was visible was a location. The Vale Docks.

Ludwig: Blake...

He glanced down at Napoleon. She had gotten the same notification. Ludwig glanced back. All of team RWBY had seen it. JNPR was sending confused texts back. However, one name stood out to the two criminals in particular. Cardin had seen the location.

All of the sudden, Y/n was reluctant. Yes, Ludwig should continue, ignore his ties with his friends, and finish the mission. But could Y/n abide such acts?

Neo was feeling the same way. The scarf wasn't doing much to hide the frown on her face. From what Y/n had analyzed, Neo had developed a larger bond with the others than him. She was always more friendly than Y/n. The hunter reached out for her should, but they were interrupted by a threat to their operation.

The two were dragged back into their lives as Ludwig and Napoleon as cries of pain were heard from one of the groups loading dust. Ludwig clicked the button on his wrist, revealing Oceiros.

Ludwig: Tell Roman we've got company.

Then, he dashed down into the fray. Napoleon disappeared in a pink blur.

When Ludwig arrived, he found many of Roman's men beaten into unconsciousness on the ground. The person responsible was a tall blonde monkey faunas. His eyes were fiery and mischievous. The boys clothes were... lacking. His wore an unbuttoned Hawaiian shirt and sweats. However, for whatever reason, bro had some nice Jordans.

Sun: Im sorry, were these your guys?

Ludwig didn't respond.

Sun: Strong and silent type? That's no fun.

He reached into his unbuttoned shirt and pulled out two pais of red nunchucks. They had golden engravings and triggers sticking out the front, which gave Ludwig the impression that they were guns.

'I will never understand trick weapons in this place. I miss when all you had to do was shove a sword in a big rock to make a hammer.'

Ludwig rushed forward, slashing throughout the air. He took strikes at painful, but not fatal areas. If this was a friend of Blake's, then he would do her the courtesy of not murdering him. Surprisingly, the man stood his ground. Each slash was either dodged or misdirected with a follow-up bash from his nunchucks on the way. Ludwig jumped back. He needed to analyze his opponent more.

This time, Sun wouldn't wait for Ludwig to attack. The boy started to swing his nunchucks around wildly. God knows how, but he was pulling the trigger of the gunchucks while swinging. Ludwig, not wanting to damage any dust and cause an explosion, quickly unsheathed Moonlight. The silver blade glowed with radiance. It gained an ethereal blue aura, but didn't grow. Ludwig looked at his sword, confused by the surge in power.

Sun: Whoa, what the hells your sword made of dude?!

Suddenly, the hunter's ears seemed to pop. Every eardrum in his head was amplified to an extreme degree. Ludwig could hear the ocean. The splash of waves against the docks. His mind was overwhelmed with the clarity of his environment. Although he didn't enjoy Moonlight forcefully opening his senses, he appreciated their help.

Ludwig: Ah, so the tides increase your power?

As Ludwig ran his hands down the blade of his sword, he felt a shotgun blast whizz past his face.

Sun: Hey, hey! I'm skipping your cutscene, Percy Jackson!

Sun then proceeded to go back to blasting Ludwig with enough shotgun shells to make an American garbage landfill overflow. Ludwig, now with his heightened senses, was able to cut through each bullet and keep walking forward at the same time.

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