CH30: The Ruins

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Y/n awoke in an odd area. A moist stone cavern that stretched about a football field wide. A putrid, rotten smell was thick in the air. So much so that Y/n, even with his mask, was having a hard time keeping his lunch down. Fog was rolling in from seemingly nowhere, reaching up to his knees.

Y/n: Well this certainly wasn't in that bloody waiver...

A low growl echoed through the cave. It was clearly Grimm, or at least, inhumane, but it had an unnerving calmness to it. Like it had just woken up from a long power nap. The smell was slowly getting worse.

'Who dares to disturb these grounds?'

The voice was feminine, but it was stern and almost deep. Almost.

Y/n: I woke up here.

'How could a mere morta- *cough*'

The voice started violently coughing. To make matters worse, the obnoxious sound had reverb because of how big the cavern is. When it spoke again, it was a still stern, but normally feminine voice.

'Damn- fucking- lungs!'

Y/n: Uhhhh...

'Shut up! You just... be there! For a sec!'

She cleared her throat and tried again.

'What kind of mortal are you, to be able to- *cough* Shit!'

Y/n: You alright? I have rocks that help with that.

'No. It's fine. Just a cough. Strongest witch on the planet, and my biggest pain in the ass is a smoking habit...'

Y/n: Oh my god, tell me about it! Going from wiping out entire squadrons of knights, then cough your heart out because of a smoke. Ridiculous!

'Seriously! You'd think that being able to do crap like that would- Hey wait, I'm supposed to be killing you!'

Y/n: That's rude.

'I just told you that I'm the strongest witch on the planet. Who cares about rude?'

Y/n: Hey, strength is no excuse for bad manners.

'Literally, who cares about manners?!'

Y/n: You're single, I can tell.



Y/n: Nevermind, you're definitely divorced.

A cry erupted from across the cavern. The sound bounced off the walls and the sound left Y/n stunned for a second. Then, from across the fog, a figure jumped at Y/n, primed to attack. In the nick of time, he recovered and sidestepped underneath it. It crashed behind him, giving Y/n the time to unsheathe Moonlight and get in a stance.

The creature swiped at the fog, clearing Y/n's view of it. About ten yards away stood a Grimm praying mantis. It's long, scythe like limbs were as sharp as razors. Across it's back and outer legs were gray plates of armor. Instead of orange eyes like most Grimm, it had glowing red orbs with no pupils.

Y/n: Oh come on! That one's not even cannon!

Neither are you.

The hunter grimaced, outstretched Oceiros, and crouched into a position that was akin to the Abyss Watchers.

Y/n: Touche.

The mantis, tired of waiting, charged at Y/n. The hunter returned in kind.


Glynda: Professor!

Ozpin: I saw, Glynda.

He just... disappeared. Y/n L/n was stalling, quite efficiently mind you, against an entire Deathstalker, and then simply poofed. No more Y/n. He didn't even destroy the camera that time. Which, granted, he has broken at least seven that were sent to monitor him. But this time, he just ceased existence.

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