CH39: Forever Fall

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Vale is a place with many a popular landmark. In fact, almost every area has an important piece of history or an entertaining attraction. To put simply, it is a place where you just cannot run out of things to do because of just how many things are there.

However, the nature around Vale is quite the unique phenomenon by itself. There are three famous forests that are heavily sought out due to their beautiful sights. These are of course the forests of Emerald, Forever Fall, and Crimson. The Emerald Forest has beautiful greenery that shines like gemstones when light is casted upon it.

Forever Fall is just as the name suggests. It is a place of eternal autumn, where the trees are a glistening maple brown and have sickly sweet red sap. Fun fact, that sap was trademarked by Beacon Academy and is responsible for a majority of it's  field trip funding.

The Crimson Forest is a deep valley of dark red nature. The grass and tree leaves are a bloody shade of red. This is the least popular of the two, as there has been many a battle waged in it's area. The vibrant red made guerrilla warfare especially effective, since any dark red clothing could make a person disappear into the background. Some say that there are still areas littered with landmines from battles of old.

Today, our sight is set on the second forest, Forever Fall.

In the shining brown shrubbery, there was a loud roar of an engine followed by a murder of crows fleeing the area due to the noise. Within a clearing, a bullhead had just landed. The cargo door slid open and a group of students spilled out. These people consisted of teams CYN, JNPR, and RWBY, also background characters, but we don't care about them unless the background character is named Perry. Fortunately, none of them are named that.

Hey, I wonder what happened to Perry?


No flashback? Damn, I wanted to know what happened to the guy. Did Ruby kill him? He did get shish kabob'd... Noooo, the author wouldn't do him like that. We love Perry.

Anyways, professor Goodwitch had began giving the children their assignments. It was rather simple; gather four jars of sap, one for each member of a team, and survive. Just like every other forest, this one was plagued with a high amount of Grimm activity. You'd think that professor Port or Patches would be the one leading this expedition, but no, the professor of the fight club class was chaperoning.

Team JNPR was the first team to split off because Nora shot for the first three that had large amounts of sap. How did she know? Who fucking knows. Maybe it's all the pancakes she inhales, maybe it's because the author needs an excuse to break off JNPR from the rest of the group.

As the group of four walked throughout the forest, there was an abnormal silence settled up on Pyrrha. Nora was just as chipper as usual, which in turn made Ren the parental advisory for her, as usual. Jaune wasn't speaking that much, instead he was enjoying the wilderness while his team chattered.

Jaune was walking with his arms behind his head, not a care in the world. He spared a glance at Pyrrha, but she averted his gaze to the best of her ability. Jaune was going to question her weird behavior, before Nora lashed out at a tree that she claimed to be "The Tree of All Trees". Quickly, Pyrrha rushed forward to help her, leaving Ren and Jaune behind.

Pyrrha: Nora!

Ren and Jaune waited behind them. Nora hyperactivity knocked on the trunk like it was a watermelon and she was determining the ripening. Pyrrha was hammering in the peg that harvested sap, but she was going at a turtles pace. Occasionally, she couldn't help but spare a glance at Jaune. When she realized that Jaune had caught her eye, she'd turn back to the sap or ask Nora dumb questions about how she knows the amount and sound of tree sap from outside the tree.

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