CH40: Favoritism

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In the Vale city jail, you can find many a psychopath. From violent thugs to disgusting pedophiles, there's no crime that goes unchecked within the bloodstained walls of this fine prison. Why, just last week, they received a large group of new inmates. Cronies of Roman Torchwick. A name that has risen in popularity recently, as it is infamous for the dust focused robberies that are en mass in the streets of Central Vale. Not only that, but the Torchwick case has been suspected to be connected to the 6th Street case.

This correlation is the very reason for today's interrogation. You see, this band of scoundrels were actually apprehended by a Signal Academy student that happened to be in the dust store that they had been to robbing. Witnesses recall a very, very large scythe, blizzards of rose petals, and much blood. Needless to say, the report for that night was tiresome. Most were permanently injured, incapacitated, or... Well, let's just say that Headmaster Ozpin went through more than his fair share of paperwork to get the young girl off the watchlist.

All except for one. His aura had held through, despite being, and I quote, "Shish Kabob'd" with a war scythe.

Goodwitch slammed her hands on the table. Ozpin was to her left with a fresh mug of hot coco.

Goodwitch: Where is Roman Torchwick's hideout?!

Across from her was the man, the myth, the legend, Perry. He looked up at Goodwitch with a stern glare.

Perry: Why would I leak the boss' location to you of all people? You treated me like shit!

Ozpin gave the convict a confused look.

Ozpin: I don't believe we've met.

Perry rolled his eyes and put his feet on the desk, making sure that they're pointed at Goodwitch for maximum sass.

Perry: Of course you wouldn't remember, you were too busy breaking your own damn rules for some pretentious rich kid that got his house burned down.

That's when it hit the two who they were speaking to. Perry, as in that one terribly underpaid intern that took recorded and took notes on almost all of their interrogations over the summer. He could tell when the realization hit them because Goodwitch's perpetual murder scowl left for a small, miniscule moment, before getting put right back up.

Perry: So, you gonna have me locked up for life because I know all about your shitty little cases? It'd be a tragedy if the council caught word of your many law breakings, and the fact that you've actively avoided working on the Winchester case so that you don't have to speak to Kristoff Winchester.

Ozpin took one last sip of coffee before setting it on the desk. The look her gave Perry could have frightened even that beast of a woman to his right. Slowly, he leaned over the desk and whispered to the convict.

Ozpin: You're not a necessity, you're a loose end. Remember that.

Perry grimaced at how unsettling Ozpin's glare was. He'd heard about how unhinged the guy was from his boss, but he never expected him to blatantly threaten him in an interrogation room. Nevertheless, Perry was a man of unwavering loyalty.

Perry: Then do it, you'll be right back to square one. What then? Get your freaky witch secretary to cast a truth spell on me? Oh! What about getting her a fancy wand infused with Nevermore jizz, I'm sure that'd do the trick.

Goodwitch opened her mouth, probably to cast Avada Kadavra, but Ozpin raised his hand, signalling her to stop. With a frown, he continued to pry to the mind of this new Perry.

Ozpin: I seriously don't remember you being this much of an asshole.

Perry simply rolled his eyes.

Perry: Getting impaled and waking up in the slammer does that, limpdick. It's especially bad when my shitty boss and his side chick try to interrogate me with the same strategies I studied for years. I was interning to be a junior detective, remember? You're not gonna make me slip, Ozpin. Stop wasting your time, I'm sure there are some kindergartners that are ripe for you to groom.

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