CH35: What Makes a Huntsman?

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After a week of the Beacon Academy life, everyone was properly accommodated to the schedule. So far, nothing had come up that was crazy. In all honesty, it was kind of a normal school once you get used to the insane career choice, the staff, and most importantly, the Headmaster.

Loudspeaker: To the little fucknugget that wrote "Fuck that *bleep* Ozbitch" on the restroom stalls in permanent marker, turn yourself in or I will dox you in tomorrow's morning announcements.

Jaune: Can- Can he do that?

Racist Guts, who was helping Jaune with his Grimm studies homework at the time, grimaced.

Cardin: No, but he'll do it anyway. Alright, from the top, where are the weak spots of a Boarbatusk located?

Jaune: Uhh... Belly, ankle, snout?

Cardin: Great, now let's try the most resistant areas.

As the rest of team CYN walked by, Y/n took the liberty of quickly writing something on Jaune's notes while he wasn't looking.

Jaune: Okay, let me just check my notes really- Huh?!

Cardin looked up from his own notes.

Cardin: What?

Jaune handed Cardin his notes. He scanned the paper, and the disturbance was quite easy to find due to the perfect penmanship clashing with Jaune's rather jumbled way of writing. In red pen, a single word was standing out in cursive.


Cardin: Y/n!

From across the class, the hunter yelled.

Y/n: He needs to learn!

Cardin: Dude!

Jaune: What's a prostate?

Pyrrha had just walked in with Blake and Weiss. The three had left to the library to grab a few books that would help with their studies. When she heard the words, "What's a prostate?",  she had a reaction that was pretty much to be expected.

Pyrrha: Cardin, what are you teaching him?!

Cardin: What? It wasn't me! Ask Nico De Angelo over there.

Pyrrha looked over to where Y/n was originally sitting when she left, but she found that no one was there, because Y/n and Neo had changed spots to an out of view corner with this exact intention. When Pyrrha found no one there, her head quickly snapped back to Cardin. Jaune, depressing as it is, didn't notice the two's confrontation because he had once again tunnel visioned onto Weiss.

Pyrrha: Blaming ghosts, Cardin?

Cardin looked around, realizing that the two had indeed moved away. Then, he noticed Y/n's iconic triangle hat sticking out from behind one of the lower desks.

Cardin: There!

Pyrrha reluctantly looked away to find them, but not before giving Cardin a warning glare. When she inspected the lower sections, she found no one there. The devious duo had disappeared into thin air before mother bear spotted them. Once again, Pyrrha's eyes locked onto Cardin.

Pyrrha: I'll ask you again...

She raised her hardback, 700 page Grimm textbook above her head, threatening to throw it. An unsettling calm rested over her face.

Pyrrha: What have you been teaching Jaune?

Cardin: No, listen! It wasn't me, I swear Pyrrha!

Her hand wound back.

Cardin: Professor! Sir?!

Cardin looked over to Port's desk, but instead of a warm saving grace, he was met with complete and utter betrayal. Port was sitting in his desk, eating a vanilla, chocolate, and strawberry cake without a care in the world. Port was Jaune, Cardin was Pyrrha, and the cake was Weiss. Then, in an instant, Cardin's mind came to one conclusion.

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