CH42: Ice, Ice Baby

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The prison breakout of the Vale City prison has been the most recent addition to the list of what the citizens call, "Common government L". One of the largest voices among the masses is apparently a professor at Beacon. According to numerous rumors at Beacon's campus, she is the direct cause, if not a leading part, of the tragedy that occurred on September 11, 2001. All of this and more later tonight on RNN, this has been Karl Asus, see you next ti-


Ozpin leaned back in his seat, staring expectantly at his secretary. Glynda sat with her arms crossed, avoiding eye contact. After a moment of silence, and of Ozpin giving her a stare that would give any teenager with daddy issues nightmares, Glynda spoke up.

Glynda: I plead the fifth.

Ozpin: You're an anarchist, the fifth amendment doesn't apply to you.

Glynda: I'm still a citizen.

Ozpin: Glynda, you are a serial arsonist, a domestic terrorist, and a sexual predator all in one tightly packed, illegal package.

Glynda smirked and leaned forward, that being her first time making eye contact. She used her semblance to unbutton her blouse without touching it. Ozpin rolled his eyes.

Glynda: How about we find out just how tight my package is~

Ozpin: You see, this is why you're a sex offender.

Glynda: Hey, they consented after the first eight rounds.

'I fucking hate my job.'

Ozpin: When did you last see Sharon?

Glynda: Couple weeks.

Ozpin: Why...?

Glynda spontaneously broke into tears.

Glynda: Because that bitch would always leave just as I started to open up! Then, after getting emotionally blue balled, this BITCH has the audacity to email me a bill.

Ozpin: I thought Sharon was nice?

Glynda cried even harder onto the desk.

Glynda: I DID TOO!

(Be honest, y'all would have folded. Oz didn't, and that's the difference between you and him.)


At the scene of the break out, there was... plenty of things happening. For one, there was the issue of the metric shit ton of magic ice, that was the first thing that got Ozpin's attention. Second, was the screaming coming from the Warden's office on the top floor. He and Glynda had caught word that two guards were apparently caught having very, very ambitious fun time on the job at the time of the break in. One's also married, so yeah, his life's been ruined. Ozpin couldn't help but feel for the guy.

Oh, and third was the actual reason they were there.

Across the cell block was a man that towered above all beside him. Literally. He was probably seven feet tall at the minimum. Ozpin immediately recognized him. Before the headmaster could raise his voice, the man called out to him.


Ozpin approached without fear, despite the many warnings he got on his way into the prison. Big C was hardly a threat to someone like him.

Ozpin: Quite nice. Thanks to you, I might finally have enough evidence to get the Vale council off of me for a few months.

Bic C was chained by the arms in three different areas. Cuffs at the wrist, elbows, and between his shoulder and bicep. His ankles had multiple monitors and chains. He was standing in the middle of the cellblock with seven guards watching him with assault rifles.

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