CH32: Because Mental Stability Was Never an Option

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Central Vale was, for the most part, known for it's museums and midnight spectacles. Unfortunately, stores aren't what it's known for. Atlas and Mistral are good because one is about as capitalistic as America and the other has a wide variety of cultures. Speaking of museums, guess what our friends are about to pass by?

Cardin: I think the malls a few blocks down. If it isn't, we can just head to the plaza down the road and ask for directions.

Y/n hummed as a response. Neo obviously didn't respond, but that was more involuntarily than Y/n. As they walked down the street, Y/n caught the sight of something that had been on his mind for quite some time. Further ahead was a large brick antique building. It was the Vale Museum. Neo saw the glint in Y/n's eyes, then maliciously grinned when she saw what he was practically eye fucking.

Y/n: Hey, Cardin. You mind if we take a detour?

Cardin looked over at the building.

Cardin: The museum? Sure, it shouldn't take long.

Y/n and Neo exchanged looks. They weren't going to steal the shard... Yet.

They walked into the museum. Normally, you would have to pay for entry, but they had a Neo. Cardin noticed the look in their eyes as they walked closer to the ticket booth.

Cardin: It hasn't even been a day...

Y/n: Cardin, just trust us, you won't regret it.

Cardin grimaced at the thought of ripping off the museum, but then he realized that he barely has enough money to pay for school supplies. Sometimes, he misses being a rich kid. He's still a rich kid technically, but his father's, well, a bitch. As they got closer and closer, Neo started to work her magic. Cardin, Y/n, and Neo began to turn transparent. Before Cardin could back out, Y/n grabbed his arm to tug him along so that he won't get lost. After a minute of sneaking past security, they were in.

Neo deactivated her semblance completely. For a moment, her hair flashed a standard brown, before it immediately returned to it's standard pink, brown, and white. Y/n would have noticed, but his eyes were pealed, looking for one thing and one thing only.

As they walked throughout the museum, Cardin couldn't help but take note of the hungry look on Y/n's face. The hunter is usually a calm man, only showing excess emotion if he finds something funny or, as we saw last chapter, if something pertaining to a close friend happened. Now? He looked like a shark that just picked up on blood in the water.

Cardin: What are you looking for?

Y/n didn't respond. Instead, his eyes locked on to an exhibit not too far away. It was the astrology and lunar exhibit.

Y/n: There.

The three walked over to the exhibit. It was filled with old telescopes and unique constellations. Though, few people paid any mind to those. Most come to see the thing that Y/n intended to steal. And there it was, at the far end of the exhibit, encases in glass with a few stray guards sprinkled around it. A beautiful white stone that seemed to emanate an aura like no other. Vale's shard of the moon.

Y/n: Oh my god...

'Jeez Y/n, keep it in your pants.'

Cardin: Seriously, what's with the moon rock that's got you all excited?

He didn't respond. Again. Oceiros quivered against his wrist. It wasn't sentient like Moonlight, but it apparently had a keen eye for sensing sources of energy. Not that Y/n needed such a tell. He could feel it. He felt it the moment he stepped into the museum. Y/n could take it, right now. All of their problems, gone. He could get rid of Cinder and her cronies. Oh, the heists they could pull! Y/n's mind may have been drunk just getting a taste for that kind of power.

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