Bonus Chapter: Road to Recovery

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It felt so relieving, finally being able to embrace Adora after all this time.

Laying in that bed for who knows how long? And, stuck in whatever scape they were in, to boot, was certainly an experience.

But right now, all they could think about was Adora's joyful laughter, echoing against their ear as she grasped onto them.


Both the blonde and the Ranger felt at ease again. They were alive, and Adora couldn't bring herself to stop her tears in the process.

She sniffled, pulling away from them as the two realized that they were still sitting on the ground in the courtyard. Her gaze never left theirs.

"What do we do now?"

"Well, that's simple," Y/N would say after Adora offered them a hand to stand up.



"We live."

She smiled at the remark.

Finally, after so much fighting and pain and constant worry, they could rest.

Though it isn't going to be true considering other things have yet to be fixed and resolved. And not just within each other, but with their home as well.


Though Y/N was able to walk and technically run around, their legs were still slightly sore from remaining in place.

And, as luck would have it, they could already feel their body wobbling around a little.

Adora held at their hand, but adjusted herself and helped the Ranger balance back out, seeing they were having some difficulty.




"Shoot... sorry," they apologized. It wasn't necessarily a first, but they still felt bad when she had to sort of be their caretaker when injured.

"No! No! It's okay," Adora laughed a little, more than happy to give them a lending hand in both a literal and figurative sense.


"I feel like a baby learning how to walk right now... It sucks..." they hung their head, staying standing.

"I can't blame you. You were in bed for a while," Adora kept them up.

Glimmer teleported next to them, which startled the Ranger, and Adora was lucky she was already sort of holding them up. They nearly fell over, and technically did, but Adora caught them halfway.

"Maybe next time don't run out of bed right after you wake up from things like that."


Their eyes were wide, "GLIMMER... MAYBE... DON'T GIVE ME A HEART ATTACK. Unless you want me ending up stuck in bed again-"

"Alright, ease up there, Flick," Adora helped them regain their bearings for the second time in a row.

"Oh! Y/N, tell her! Tell her what Angella said!" Glimmer looked to them while Adora stood behind them confused.



They gasped, recalling it since it happened only minutes prior.

"What? What did Angella say?" She gasped, thinking it may have been something particularly exciting.

"Are you the Royal Advisor now!? Or did she Knight you!?"

Until the Flame Goes OutDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora