In The Shadows of Mystacore

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Glimmer and the others were asleep in the woods, using mossy rocks as substitute pillows.

Glimmer was turned on her side, Bow laying face up, snoring.

Adora and Y/N were both laying facing one another, Y/N's cloak covering Adora like a blanket.


Their white cargo pants fit well with their boots, their legs tucked into themself.


Adora stirred in her sleep, turning around as her breathing grew a bit rapid.

Small, inaudible whispers were filling the space at a constant, not letting up as the blonde squinted, like she was trying to force herself to sleep.






Adora shot up, gasping and panting at the familiar voice, looking off into the Woods.

She swore she hears something stirring, the rustling of leaves abundant.

She would proceed to look off in concerned curiosity and vigilance, standing up for what would be the entire night.






Finally, morning came around.

Bow was the first to wake up, seeing the light filling the Woods, illuminating the beautiful greenery.

He yawned, stretching out his arms as he turned to look at Glimmer.

"Good Morning, Glimmer," he hummed.


She groaned, pulling her cape over her head in an effort to shield herself from the light, "It's too early. Five more minutes..."

Bow moved his head around, "But it's a beautiful morning."

"Today's canceled," Glimmer grumbled, "Go back to bed..." she waved her hand around.



Bow, had a hand on his cheek, leg tucked in as he smiled, glancing at her.

Glimmer promptly moved the cape off her frazzled hair, "I can feel you staring at me..." she groaned.

"Why is it the one who snores is always the first one to fall asleep?" She sat up.


"What!? I don't snore," Bow argued.

"Y/N, Adora, do I snore—?" He turned to see only one of them, namely Y/N, still asleep, and Adora standing up, staring off into the distance as her hand leaned against a tree.


Glimmer stood, groaning, and placed her hands on both Y/N and Bow, teleporting them.

They reappeared beside Adora, the blonde flinching and gasping in slight fear as Y/N yelped, falling down, now awake.

Glimmer apologized, "Sorry. Too early to teleport..."

"You think?" Y/N stood, rubbing one of their eyes.

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