Whole Again Pt. 2

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Adora stood in shock, in the doorway, seeing Y/N, awake at the bedside. They were looking directly at her.





Adora took another step in. When she did, Y/N flinched, a soft gasp escaping their throat as their eyes went wide.

The blonde stopped in her tracks.

Adora was in both shock and relief. They were alive and now they were conscious, but at the same token...

They seemed scared. Whether or not it was her, she was unsure of.



"You really went out of your way to rescue me..." Y/N glared at her.

Adora stood, still in disbelief, unable to find the words as she was as still as a statue.

The Ranger stood up, head bowed as they held the blanket around their shoulders.


"What kind of idiot does that?"



Adora froze. She recalled the last time she heard their voice speaking with such venom behind it.


Adora mumbled, but stopped herself, unable to put together anything worth saying. Her mind was all over the place.



"What?" Y/N waited for her to say what was on her mind, although being a little harsh.

Neither one was sure of what kind of answer was going to be given. But if there was anything that was clear at that point...

There wasn't the slightest chance that they would let it slide.

Not this time.







"I wake up to the sounds, of the silence that allows..."




"For my mind to run around, with my ear up to the ground..."




"I'm searching to behold, the stories that I've told..."



"When my back is to the world, that was smiling when I turned..."




"Tell you you're the greatest..."



"But once you turn, they hate... us..."

Until the Flame Goes OutOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant