I Am A Legend

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The discussion lasted a long while between everybody on board the ship.

There were many times that they would disagree about certain things and how they would come to a consensus.

It isn't exactly easy, trying to figure out the best way to do something. Especially when that something could endanger the life of one of their own.



But the ones who were the worried the most were Glimmer and Adora.


There was a lot of difficulty, trying to find common ground on the issue, knowing that most of the possibilities are only hypothetical until proven otherwise.

But towards the end of the discussion, Entrapta would make a good suggestion.

She suggested that maybe she could transfer the stabilizer and potentially have a setup that could help keep the portal open.

However, they would not be able to do it on the ship. They needed a place to go.



It seemed the squad was on board with that idea, but still had to weigh their options.

Before they all came to a formal agreement, Y/N stood and hugged Adora tightly.

"I'll be okay."

"You just gotta trust me."



"I know. And I do," The blonde nuzzled her cheek against the Ranger's.

Glimmer tapped on Y/N's shoulder, and the Ranger turned their head to face her, brows raising in surprise.

"You're gonna be okay, right?" She seemed so worried.

"Aw..." Adora let them go so they could hug and reassure Glimmer, "Don't worry."



"I know, but I'm just scared," she hugged them in return, her voice almost like a whisper.

"You're nervous about seeing your mom again? It's been a while. I know that..." they thought.

"Well... that and... and you," Glimmer tucked her head under their chin.

Their eyes grew slightly wider.


"I'm scared you won't get to see her again..." Glimmer continued.

Adora, who was behind Y/N, felt her heart break for a moment. She knew that Angella was somewhat close with the Ranger when she used to be around.

She would always find them and Adora getting into hijinks, but brushed it off.


"Hey, look at me, Glim," they rubbed the back of her head as she pulled away a little, glancing up into their eyes.

"It won't matter what happens. Just know that sooner or later, I will get a chance to see her."

"To see all of you."

In a way, they seemed to insinuate the idea that maybe they wouldn't be okay. But that was still up in the air. The chances were still 50/50.


Until the Flame Goes OutOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz