Horde Prime

741 33 16




Ships flocked towards Etheria in numerous amounts.

At this point, it was unsure how many exactly there were. It didn't change the fact that they now filled Etheria's skies.


Several spores rooted themselves within the earth and foresty, coming to a stop with loud hums.

The doors would open, several bots and surveillance drones leaving en masse.

One of these drones would gently glide through the forest, scanning every surface it could, trying to detect any life or movement.


It caught sight of a small girl who had run into a petite clearing, with her sibling catching up not a moment later.

She comforted her, but the drone made its presence known, hovering just above the kids.

They both panicked, trying to go one way, but found themselves surrounded by another two.



The green lights shined on them as they embraced each other, fearing the worst.

But thankfully, someone was able to put a stop to it.

"For Etheria!"

Adora made a running start and jumped up, slamming down one of the drones with a bo staff straight into the ground.


It wobbled, trying to fly away, but the blonde was quick to stop it, stabbing the sharp end of it into the bot, destroying it.

The kids sighed, relieved, but gasped as they saw another drones heading their way.


An arrow shot out from the distance suddenly. The drone would go flying back and landed on the ground with a clank.

Bow hopped in, his weapon drawn and smug.

"Two down."



One of the drones tried to retreat, heading into the sky, but Swiftwind intercepted it just as quickly, kicking it down with his hoof.

"And a whole galactic Horde to go."


Perfuma wrapped her vines around another, whipping it towards Frosta, who smashed it apart with her ice fist.

"I'll get the next one, I guess," Mermista had her arms crossed.



Adora took her staff out from the bot as a few of the other princesses, including Swiftwind, were nearby.

"It's okay, you can come out now."

Some of the Plumerians came out from their hiding spots beyond the trees, and the princesses kept watch as they crossed a bridge over the stream.

Adora smiled pleasantly at one of the ladies passing by, but then her gaze changed.


She found herself staring with a hatred at the spires and ships.

There was only another sliver of peace before a laser blast cut it off, sending the civilians screaming and shouting as Adora yelled, "Run!"

Until the Flame Goes Outحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن